What do the whispers actually say?

When shadow priests cast spells or spawn apparitions it triggers the whispers, and I’ve always wondered: What do the whispers actually say?


Lol! Maybe something like, “Boo!”

Some people say it’s German or welsh. They are saying « the shadows whispers your name » stuff like that.

its just random nonsense like trade chat gold sellers or pvp carry sellers

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The old gods spam us with paid ads in our minds?

Somehow that’s more terrifying than whispers of madness

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They’re trying to get a hold of you about your car’s warranty


I think it’s paid ads, plus an occasional “Boo.” And maybe played backwards.

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The voices I hear are hilarious. They say, “Stain the sheets” and “shadow”… Very scary.

Stain the sheets? Shadow? Lol!