I think they smell like grass and poop
Grass/hay, like most large hooved herbivores, I would imagine.
Also wood smoke.
Being a farm kid I can assure you cows smell like neither. They smelled kind of sweaty. My dad and uncle smelled like grass, but that was a whole other thing.
It depends on the tauren. Some go to acidbath and body works, a perfume store in the Undercity, and they smell wonderful.
Taurens smell wonderful, like sunshine on a clear summer day.
the tauren i know smells bad
Well there’s always that one.
hay 10char
I noticed when I started mercenaries that the Tauren smelled like cinnamon spice oatmeal. Other trolls like my avatar had the smell of ivory liquid soap, unlike the night eleves that have the smell of the woods on them. Remember those orcs are green that should tell ya something.
Burning leaves.
Hickory Smoke.
What? They smoke meats too.
Salty beef rice bowl
I bathe every day and keep my fur well groomed, thank you very much. I can’t speak for my Tauren brothers and sisters, but I take pride in my hygiene and cleanliness. I wear a suit and top hat to complete my gentlemanly appearance.
An answer to most smell questions could probably be ‘depends on the individual’.
But going by the way the researcher was talking about Ebyssian, I think there is an implication they smell like cows/bulls. Maybe a bit musky.
I think they would smell like sunshine and dust on fur, the vague smell of sweet hay and clover … and maybe a wee bit of sandalwood.
There’s a reason I like being undead. Lost my sense of smell many moons ago
Planet Fitness