What did you guys go for in the rogue tree, energy or subterfuge?

Looking around murlok io , seems like half the people went for the thistle tea and energy talents and the rest with subterfuge.

I personally tried both for a few arenas and bgs, and find that the extra CC doesn’t come in handy if I’m constantly out of energy. What did you guys go with? (PVP Pov)

What spec are you referring to? Because Sub doesn’t need Thistle Tea and the energy talent, but Outlaw and Assassination do.

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Not sure what you’re on about. In pvp for Sub i go with both and it works pretty well, aside from the tea change no one asked for


use symbols of death for energy

Well, because Outlaw is Sub-lite…

I restored my DF sub rogue.
Played for ten minutes. Felt the rotation.
Deleted my DF sub rogue again.

I think I’m done until they fix this class.
(And I don’t mean the bugs that let the class compete with ele shamans–on a fundamental design level, there is no recovering from BFA onwards.)

Trick question.

Go for both.

Pretend that Recuperator, ER/Super charger do not exist.

Problem solved.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man: