What did you do, Blizz?!

Whatever you ticked from a 0 to a 1, tick it back! STV went from being smooth to now being unbearable! What did you try to “fix” that did this?!


It was so bad we couldnt RP as a guild in STV.

We tried to present our strength to Loa to beseech him to Stormwind to kill the pale skins, but he wouldnt listen… because he was bouncing all over the place.

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They turned off dynamic layering for a week and it made the STV Event perfect. But then about four people cried that it made their leveling zones feel ‘empty’ so they turned dynamic layering back on. And here we are.


Ya didn’t pray to the Loa of Lag and trolling, Jani., you upset him. Next time make sure to give tribute to more than just Bwansamdi.