So I did maybe the first 15 quests in this last expansion before I stopped playing.
Story wise anything important I missed?
I know the Dragon Aspects got their Powers Back, Ebonhorn is now aspect of Earth over his uncle and “brother”.
Malygos is official Blue Big Boy now.
Ysera is gone again cry and her daughter is official Queen of Green Dream
and the horrible news that the Horde is now some kinda wierd Council Republic…shutter
Retcon for Thrall’s kids are now a Boy and a little girl as it was supposed to be instead of 2 boys.
Anything else I need to know?
Any leadership changes?
Tess is Queen of Gilneas i heard, whos officially regent of the Alliance with Anduin off with Shell Shock?
Did we ever get any more story with the Super Evil Lightsworn Dranei and Orcs from other other Draenor?
Did we get to Hang out with Chromie at all ?
DId we Upgrade MANKRIK into Saurfang’s open position of Most Bad Azz Orc ?
I think you got Malygos and Kalecgos mixed up, but I recommend doing the Blue Dragonflight side quest series when you get the chance. I really liked it. Zaralek Cavern is also a good questline and seeing the three stooges, I mean Ebonhorn, Wrathion and Sabellian bumble their way through the zone I liked.
Emerald Dream put me to sleep.
It’s kinda inconsequential really?
It is silly that the Horde is now ran by a council while Alliance is weirdly ruled by Stormwind/Humans since Blizz at some point forgot the Alliance is an Alliance? I think it’s been kinda implied with Anduin AFK the Alliance is back to being an Alliance…maybe? I guess we have Turylon but he’s just there as a raid boss if Horde feel like mercing him. Otherwise it seems like it’s just everyone talking about how they wonder when Anduin will be back and how much they miss him.
There’s also a five year time skip.
Not a blip
Yes!! There’s a lot content focused on Chromie, Nozdormu and the timey wimey Bronze events are fun. You should do them, there’s some neat alternate timeline stuff that is fun that you might like. There’s a super war timeline with beefed up Alliance and Horde. Varian is alive in that one as a final boss.
I’ve lived through Mankrik’s Wife,
Garrosh’s story being just all over the place Alignment wise
Zaela going from Good Orc to Bad Orc
The Kor’Kron being turned into the SS
Nazgrim dying
Nazgrim becoming a gross Death Knight
Saurfang’s Niece being Cut
Saurfang dying
Im sure I can handle more sad orc content
I mean what else could they do now?
Bring back an Iconic Kor’Kron like Shokia and tease her in a single quest then totally write her off again
I kinda wanna see “Evil Chromie”…
Is she like regular Chromie but she had a $200 gift card at Hot Topic?
Here you go - I feel like Sarah McLachlan should be playing in the background - and apparently you have to go back 2x to do the whole questline. It becomes available at reset. So you do 1 & 2, then 3 & 4, and then 5. Takes 3 weeks (unless they fixed it since it’s end of expac, but I doubt it):
There is now a sixth Dragon Aspect in the person of Vyranoth, who, if you didn’t play long enough to know, was one of Razageth’s Primal Incarnate siblings and was one of the bad guys until she joined the good guys. She is now the Aspect of Storms.
Other than Tess as Queen of Gilneas and Turalyon as Regent of Stormwind, Shandris Feathermoon is now the leader of the Kaldorei, as I understand.
It was a three-year time-skip, technically; Shadowlands canonically lasted for two years and then three years were skipped between SL and DF – but nothing happened during them as far as I can tell except that Lor’themar and Thalyssra got married.
Oh yah you’re right, I got that mixed up but like you said nothing really happened but at least it’s a good opportunity to do some writing for your character.