What did Dalaran do during the Scourge War?

This is a weird question but what did Dalaran do to help in the Scourge War in WOTLK? They sort of just appear there. I guess the cut content sort of made it being there the way of things.

But the Mages in Dalaran didn’t help in the war. We have that stuff in Ulduar thats Dalarans problem for 0.2 seconds until the Alliance/horde handles stuff. I guess you can say the Blue Dragon Flight was a problem but then the Red Dragonflight handles that in 0.3 seconds into the expansion.

It just seems out of place for me, we have the Alliance and Horde making landfall on Northrend and pushing inward towards ICC while Dalaran is basically hanging out next to it and the Lich King is never like ‘Maybe I should handle it? Nah mages have never messed anything up’

Dalarans kind of funny like that. During legion their main contribution seems to have been annoying puzzles to troll players with. Especially ones about flying.


Atlease there the Mages are actively fighting the Legion and its shown ingame…Even if I hate them puzzles

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I think Dalaran was more interested in the Nexus War/Ulduar, but the Lich King was also a threat. It was an ideal central command as it couldn’t just be overwhelmed by ground forces, or infiltrated by nerubians burrowing up from underground. And later on the Kirin Tor were largely represented by Jaina (Alliance side instead of Sylvanas Horde side) in the ICC dungeons.


So…to say the least, I had hoped that Dalaran would have done more in WOTLK.

Dalaran was the central hub for a lot of efforts, the logistical benefits there can’t really be overstated. A floating island protected by powerful magic that faction forces could fall back to if the situation on the ground became untenable. But by and large their initial goal was, as stated, fighting in the Nexus War.

The Nexus War as a concept is really interesting, and if Blizzard were better at following things up, I think lorewise it probably had some longer term impacts and Dalaran was probably dealing with the fallout for much of the expansion. It was essentially not only Malygos declaring war on all mortal magic users, but a sort of civil war in Azeroth’s magical community. Malygos was a being of immense Arcane power, outstripping Blues like Azuregos and Kalecgos by a great margin, both of whom were raid bosses in their own right.

Imagine being a Dalaran mage, having finally repaired your city, only to have a mythic mage who has forgotten more about the Arcane that you’ll ever learn in your lifetime, who is also a massive flying lizard as big as your house… has declared war on you and all like you. And he has an army of other giant lizard mages by and large zealously devoted to him. It would be at least a day of sheer panic at what the hell to even do.

So yeah, by the time Ulduar was wrapped up, coupled with the Nexus War, Dalaran was probably tapped out by and large.

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The Kirin Tor were not in Northrend to deal with the Scourge. They were there to deal with Malygos and the Blue Dragonflight during the Nexus War.

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The magic of Dalaran was needed in cold Northrend to face a sinister threat…the dread undead forces of the Lich King. But though the magi intended to do what they could for that struggle they had a desperate fight of their own.-Mage WoW manga

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