What day is the pvp gear yard sale?



Probably after the maintenance tomorrow.

they must be doing longer than a day this time. i cant find anything anywhere about it.

Usually it’s an entire week.

what are you even talking about?

Right at the top of this forum…

was supposed to drop already but i think there’s a delay.

10 PM PST, always PST whenever Blizzard forgets to put in timezones

Just went on sale about 20m ago, and a heads up, Relentless Elite weapons are available with 1500 rating as opposed to last season’s 1800.

yall ready for everyone having shadowmorune and s8 being ruined cuz blizz made shadowmourn farmable in 1 month vs 2009 6 months? kek every dk ret and arms will have shadowmourne first month of phase 4.

thinking ret will do dmg even with shdowmourn KEKW

I won’t, cuz I don’t do 25 mans! :smiley:

it’s pvp, kid not pve, shadowmourn ret/hunter one of the best comps you must be a retail zoomer or clueless about arena seasons on wotlk. Ret on wotlk private is one of the best classes season 8, combined with trinkets like abom in a jar…

So the 258 weapons are 1500 rating required as of now. Don’t buy the 245 weapons! Don’t equip them! Your points are going to waste if you’re over 1500.

Friend of mine just got screwed, thinking the 2200 rating would be lowered to 2000.

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And yes, this change makes sense, seeing how people will be rocking 264s and 277s in the first week of arena. 258 will be fairly irrelevant. But maybe give us more notice?

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people will be rocking 284 with in first couple weeks, icc isn’t really that difficult for most try hard guilds, easier than hm 25m post nerf ulduar.

shadowmourns first month thanks to blizzards dumb changes to make it easy

gear gap is gonna be real, better save that gold for gdkps

there’s no official info about the vendors in that thread you snarky rat.

The term “yard sale” implies that the discounted PvP items are used. It’s more like a store trying to sell off old stock before the new stock makes it less ideal.

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