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Well I just being the tank for a dungeon doesn’t deserve being paid if I also have to do stuff meaning dps to complete the place. But I have a guidie warrior that charges for SM xp runs for people leveing alts. They can literally zoon in and go get a cup of coffee and come back and he killed everything by himself. That is worth charging for bc your requiring nothing from them and they get xp. Otherwise to charge to be a tank in a regular dungeon run then the healers will charge you to heal you lol

^ This is what I’m talking about. The idea that there is some great business for tanks out there to charge for tanking runs is a myth.

I personally don’t enjoy grinding lowbie dungeons for /afk folks. It’s icky. So I have rolled a baby mage. I might change my profs though to herb/mining. Herbing is so stupid easy even at lvl 12 bc I can just frost nova or sheep any mob guarding the node. Warrior I have to kill the dang thing, and half the time some other guy runs up and taps the node while I’m doing it.

I make most of my playing the auction house. I buy things everyday for half price sit on the items let it go up and sell to 3x my purchase price then do it again. Takes a little at first to get going but then snowball into massive weekly profits on top of using my alchemy to make about 100-200g a week. There are tons of different ways to make gold the highest gold per hour will always go to like hunters, warlocks and mages. Have you tried farming elemental earths in kargath on my server there 3g each?

I’d like to see Black Lotus placed on the Alchemy Vendor in unlimited quantities for cheap.

The current price is ruining my Vanilla/Classic experience. I used to troll with Flasks of Petrification all the time in Vanilla. This is cost prohibitive in Classic and is not the authentic experience.

I typically get 1-2 black lotus a day in winterspring it all depends on the times of day at which you can play. I like to wake up and farm from like 5-8am when little people are on. And once you get one you can time it to get the second at a higher rate. But yes they are crazy price thats why you got to make tons of gold elsewhere to be able to afford them without it breaking the bank.

are you saying dire maul or deadmines?

Not terribly sure i would survive a solo DMN,E,W run but i could try.

Deadmines, i’ve never charged anyone for a run, guess i could see if people want a paid run?

How to buy edgemasters for 5k on my server as a warrior without having to roll a mage gold farming alt

Is there an SGC solo farm strategy for a FURY DW spec? All the ones I have seen are arms spec.

I think as boomkin you could do DM E solo jump run easily, as restro would be very tough bc of mana but thats the only limiting factor. Def wont be as fast as mage or warrlock but could be done. I haven’t really charged for running dungeon services besides mara runs for people who need the ring I’m not sure what solo runs you could charge for as a druid though. Warriors I would charge for SM clears