What Color will Evoker Be?

As title states - what “color” do we all think the new Evoker class will be? i.e. Name plates, etc.

I am thinking Peach.

Peach would work. Maybe a deep red-orange too?

Seeing as they’re all the dragon flights… RAINBOW.


I second rainbow

Honestly can’t think of what it will be, dark green?

Taste the rainbow ****!

Was all the “pulling colors from all 5 flights” a thinly veiled LGBTQ value signaling thing like Brack’s shirt was at Blizzcon? IDK if I’m more disappointed at the potential pandering or that I didn’t pick up on it right away.




You good?

We’re talking about the color of a nameplate, lmao


Rainbows have been a thing for years. When you’re committed to hating a certain thing, it’s real easy to be triggered by unrelated elements that only vaguely resemble that thing.

A more logical explanation is they just didn’t want to have to make a class that has 5 specs to cover the five flights, so they just mashed them together in a way they thought looked cool.

I vote light purple because we can always take something else from Locks.


Yeah, I’m good.
We just live in a crazy age of fruit bowls and value signaling.
Maybe I’m just barking in the dark.

I could see it being silver or gold

bronze yellow ish? black? grey? silver? hot pink? blood red/orange? purple/red?

I really want it to be a color just close enough to one of the five main flights so the other four can post on the forums for months about favoritism.