What classes do you want added for what race?

Panda druid is all I want for Xmas

Druids are more about the balance of nature, some of Nessingwary’s quests could be seen as population control, or dealing with a rabid animal that threatens nature.

I don’t recall any areas that required that without a different way to do so, but again maybe some of those efforts, if done by the druid, are being done more to preserve or return to balance in nature.

In vanilla, forsaken were neutral rep with all other horde races, who started at friendly with each other.

WoW is not D&D, if it was the Scarlets would have 0 paladins in them.

Thing is, I am one that struggles with the idea of a Night Elf Paladin that worships Elune, now a Priestess of the Moon, with more ranged abilities and a paladin’s powers, I can get behind.

Even I said that

Like if we wanted Tauren warlocks , this would be the point in time to have fel totem tauren approach the HMT or even the classic ones and offer their services. These reformed feltotem could easily teach the Tauren the way of the mage and warlock, though maybe lore wise most of them would be destruction/affliction not demonology. Just like lore wise most forsaken priests are shadow with maybe some discipline. This would be akin to the Nightelf mages (Highborn) appearing at the end of Wrath/pre-cata period reconnecting with their kin.

Between the books and game, we already have seeds for Tauren rogues (friendly grimtotem), Night Elf warlocks, especially if lore wise they are not one spec for the most part, Dwarf Druids (Wildhammer), Nightborn and Void elf Demon Hunters, etc. We can easily get seeds for: Tauren Mages, Tauren warlocks, Kul’Tiran paladins, Vulpera paladins (loa), and likely more.

The lore changes, I’d just like to see those changes represented in some way before being dropped off the deep end into them.

You’re welcome.


The Wakener’s return!



Hopefully it will be a merry Christmas indeed!

Bring me your desires! You needs! Your obsessions!

:blush: appreciated

Blood elf druid

Added. Was hoping more would show up, which is why there was a delay.

Hungry. Hungry for more desires!

I’m hopeful we get the announcement today! I even have a name saved for my blood elf druid should it come to fruition.

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Since there are NE and undead paladins in the game already, I think they should open them up to players.

What I’d like to see most personally, however, are Pandaren druids. That would give both factions an extra druid race.

I also would like to see Demon Hunter opened up to Void Elves and Nightborne. It makes little sense that they can’t be DHs now that the class is over an expansion old.

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Mogu Flesh-shaper. We can have some cool body horror spells and maybe add in elements of Spiritbinder for some minion summoning and self rez.

blood elf botanist

Disappointing that we didn’t hear anything class wise, but there is always tomorrow!


I get Void Elf DH as they could have come from the blood elf population, but why do people feel Nightborne would be likely? They only just got out of their bubble.

Like if the Illidari are training them… why not everyone else?

Added to the list!

… ok!

Added friend!


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SW human or void elf shaman. Kul Tiran shamans could easily teach SW humans shamanism and there have been human shamans in factions like twilights hammer.

void elf shaman would be a nice contrast to blood elf paladin, and I believe there have been shamans who used dark energies to control the elements. The choice for shamans on alliance is a bit limited and it would be nice to be able to play one of these races as shaman.

I agree and recorded!


Worgen paladin
Worgen monk
Please these two for the love of goodness.

Worgen shaman
Human shaman
Void elf paladin
Kul’Tiran paladin
Blood elf druid
Orc demon hunter
Draenei demon hunter
Draenei rogue
Goblin monk
Undead paladin
Tauren mage

Dragon class for everyone that can tank/heal/dps in dragon form, where you can change your scale color and dragon type/appearance like a druid form. Let’s do it. Why the heck not.

And toss me one in for all races, all classes, because also why the heck not. The only ones I think should be limited a bit is demon hunter and maybe druid, just let everyone else go and let’s let people have some fun and be what they want to be.

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There were Nightborne Demon Hunters (Felborne) as enemy mobs in Legion it would not be too much of a stretch that some switched sides.

I think there might be some lore reason that states only those of elvan blood can handle the training to be a demon hunter, so it might not be as much “can they be trained” as much as “can they handle the training without being destroyed”. However, the Warcraft RPG (considered non-canon) states that other races can become demon hunters.

I like the cut of your jib sir and or madam.

The Felbourne weren’t Demon Hunters though. They were regular Nightborne becoming demons the old fashioned way. Demon Hunters have a particular ritual to become what they are and its decidedly different than how the Legion turns folk into Demons. Though both end up as demons in the end.

I’m not really against it I just don’t see why the Nightborne are so common.

I’ve heard this too, though I’ve never found a source on it. I do hope it turns out that Blizz either retconns this or its just not true and they open it up to all races eventually.

Just my opinions though! Don’t be afraid to ask for what you’re into in this thread! I’ll take it all!


I made a thread this morning after todays interview regarding the “willing to explore” the idea of new class/race combos. So just to increase the influence of the communities desire for this, I’ll mentions some examples I listed. But not before my vote.

My most wanted race/class combo is Goblin Monk

But yeah! There are so far lots of examples of NPC’s that have Class/race combos that I don’t understand why they aren’t available to players yet.

So far, there’s

  • A Goblin Monk in the Monk order hall
  • A Worgen Shaman on the alliance side of island expeditions
  • A Night Elf Paladin in Legion who converted from previously being a Priest.
  • Gnome, Undead, and Worgen Paladins in Hearthstone.
  • Draenei Rogues in Draenor SMV (The Rangari). And Mishka in the SI:7
  • An Orc Priest in the new Exiles Reach starting zone.
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Draenei - Rogue, druid (if they can make it work; already has panthara for cat form and talbuk for land travel form), demon hunter
Gnome/Mechagnome - Paladin (for the memes; give me a quirky fem gnome NPC who decides she wants to be a paladin and makes her own order)
Goblin - Monk (might as well make it 23 for 23)
Highmountain tauren - Paladin, priest
Human - Demon hunter (only problem I can think of is meta forms unless they just use an updated version of the old warlock meta model, or some kind of dreadlord form)
Lightforged - Rogue, monk (see goblin)
Night elf - Paladin (it already exists, so might as well, also not as abhorrent as velf paladins)
Orc - Demon hunter
Pandaren - Druid, warlock (also for the memes)
Worgen - Monk (see goblin and LF)

Note: I’m pleasantly surprised to see nelf beating velf on paladin and pandaren beating belf on druid.

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Void elf and Blood elf Druids please.

Another one for night elf paladins.
Also lightforged could use another class probably rogue, monk, or shaman.
High mountain tauren warlocks because the bloodtotem were a thing if evil.
Goblin and worgen monks.