What classes do you hate facing the most in PvP?

I personally despise good hunters. They simply counter me too hard and I need lots of luck to beat a good one.

It’s even worse when it’s a dwarf and that silly run animation.


I fear nothing in pvp.

Though I suppose I would say I hate rogues, druids and maybe mages the most because they can actually escape me. Rogues can vanish when they realize I’m not a soft target before I’ve gotten a chance to dot them. Druids can heal over time while they flee. And mages can run away with blink, remove curses and absorb enough damage through barrier to not die.

Shamans can try to run, but they will have to stop to heal because the dots will kill them if they don’t. And then I’ll catch up and finish them.

Aren’t Warlocks supposed to fear as a CC tho?


Then, as a Lock, you’re doing it wrong!


Well you’re not a very good warlock then.


No. We horrify. Fear is for suckers.

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Im normally just pocket healing a bunch of hunters and ele shams so it doesn’t really matter most the time. Probably other hunters with healers

I main Horde but anyone on Alliance that PvPs enough will tell you they absolutely hate facing Shaman.

Even when you gap close on a shaman either:

A) They’re Orc and your intercept stun ends up being resisted. It’s probably even more frustrating as a rogue or paladin etc…
B) They’re Tauren and can just war stomp then global 90% of your HP
C) Due to spell batching they’re still able to get their cast off on you even though it looks like your charge or intercept should’ve interrupted the cast.

I know spell batching affects the game systemically but not being able to interrupt that one cast on a Shaman is the difference between living and dead.

Yup glad the ele shams are on our side. When people set up premades on horde most people get gear checks, we don’t gear check ele shaman we just invite XD. They took BS ok you 4 ele shamn got mastery up? ok go take back BS thanks

None of them. A hunters flare pulses so if you time it right you can stun them.

Yeah really the last point is the real issue. If you don’t die in that you will probably beat the shaman.

Besides, let them have their fun. This is the only expansion they’re not total garbage in (pvp wise).

False, you are a warlock. You fear everything

Ele is probably the least gear dependent to do well in pvp. My em was batching for 3k in full dungeon blues lmao, can’t imagine how much one hits for with 400+ spell damage.

Elemental was broken OP in wotlk…

Pretty sure they were good in MoP too.

Not much more tbh. Earth shock has coefficient of ~40% and CL ~71%.

So after talents and crit, maybe 4-4.2k ish. Better but not world altering.


Big damage, long range, amazing utility, viper sting, pets, and they loveeee to pew pew my mage butt!

A smart and well played rogue would be a close second, always there to get you after blink!

Yea the more I think about it the more its hunters. Viper string on top of being able to blow me up form massive range in a world where I don’t face ele shaman the less hunters the enemy team has the better.

Eh, WLS was okay. Holy Pally/Elemental/Warrior was decent in wrath.

But in open world PVP? Free kill.

I hate rogues because they cost me money.