What Class Looks Bad for SL?

I agree, they are great in the hands of someone who takes the time to learn them.

I like it, feels good, looks good. Dont go to the forums though they’ll complain for the sake of complaining

Can you expand on what you think feels good about the spec?


So I think getting back earth shield as a passive is amazing. It opens up echo of elements allowing 2 stacks of riptide/hst. Not to mention the mega artillery of what a shaman has as opposed to other healers. You can control a game singlehandedly with hex/sheer/ground. Plus since I’m back they added tidebringer which is amazing for spread pressure in arena with chainheal. Idk something about sham is screaming S tier in Sl, even if it’s not all the utility is way more fun then healing from the pillar on a mw/hpal/etc

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Yeah for sure. Im considering rsham too. From my experience as rdruid in bfa… a ranged kick w short cd and a spam purge is amazing.

Just worried about pack spirit… it’s been the only thing keeping melee at bay all of bfa. Wonder how the spec will play without it?

Also having decent players one shot all my totems in arena feel bad lol but that comes w the territory I guess

Still too early to talk about numbers since there has been almost no tuning passes yet. A class can be absolute trash in damage right now and next week Blizz can buff all their damage by 20% and make them the top DPS.

Only thing we can talk about at the moment is how each class feels rotationally.

I’m just gonna say I’ve been playing without it on my 461 new rsham I just started gearing and surviving the wonderful brackets of “echo farming” just so I can chill and have a good time