What class does Ion play?

Depends on what I’m doing, generally look at mobs or scanning for objective outlines (sparkles if you have those on instead). There’s rarely a reason to look at my character. Usually only if I’m doing something in new content and there’s a debuff that makes my character look different, like getting poisoned or cursed, but I’ll make a weakaura to alert me to that and won’t need to look at my character again.

Stars, they’re just like us!

thought it was a shaman, not an op class.

I bet a hundred bucks Ion is the reason shaman never gets good changes. He mains one and thinks they’re fine. ugh.

Or it could be if they actually made them op and actually didn’t nerf so quick when we have been good everyone would be like it’s cause he plays one.

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Same with priests when Ghostcrawler was around.

Wow that’s “lit” ( :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting: ) alright. Literally trash.

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I don’t grey parse, so no he’s not.

BFA Pathfinder part 2 still incomplete :upside_down_face:.


Also double agent


And somehow even after playing a void elf (female) so much, I took off all the clothes to sell for cash, never noticed an unarmored/unclothed void elf…(you know you are desperate for gold when you sell everything…needed that gold to buy deep sea bags for my future VE priest whenever pre-patch comes)


And void elf underwear is uh…very risque

shaman state says a lot about Ion tbh.

Pretty sure people would just accuse him of abusing his position if they became absurdly strong.
I’d imagine he has a personal list of stuff he wants changed, but doesn’t mention because people might take it far too seriously or something.
Kinda like when a CEO makes an offhanded comment about some obscure work procedure, so the guy in charge of it goes and revamps the entire thing out of fear of reprisals, even though the CEO was basically making a joke.

I like how he is proudly wearing that avoidance corruption

if i had to guess i’d say some caster, probably a Mage or Warlock whooped is butt so hard in a BG that he never pvp’d again and that’s why we have the braindead melee Meta we’ve had in this game for over 6 years now

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Explains everything.

he’s a restoration shaman

If I ran across Ion or any dev on their own character I’d take them to town, a nice place called troll city. Everyone is game when they are logged on.

I mean, I’m not gonna point fingers, but it was Ion that said that Reincarnate is a defensive so Shaman are “Fine” for defensives. Never mind Reincarnate is only up once every 30 minutes, resurrects you without buffs, directly in the spot you died (likely to ground fire) and doesn’t work in arenas

not surprising

even the lead dev doesnt want to PvP in the systems they made