What class could you never main?

Oddly it’s rogue they feel to much like a cheat mode for me.

Any caster. I just can’t stand casting abilities. Really, the only ranged spec I can do is BM, because everything is instant, but even then, I like being in the middle of everything.


Hi, yeah I’ve tried them all but probably Paladin and Priest. Just kept loosing interest.

Happened with the Rogue. Three times was the charm. Last summer it was a challenge to myself to try and finish a rogue before level squish. I’ll be honest, those cd’s were a bear to get used to, but just gotta stay patient until level 20’s, and then the more abilities, more talents and each encounter at first I had ri think through the rotation I’d use. It was pretty cool once I got the hang of it.

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Bard, interferes with my drinking.


Not sure why people have such a hard time with Rogues. Hard to say for certain but if you look at and go by Mythic+ numbers, Rogues are the least played class in the game lol.

For me is not abaout class, is about spec. The only specs I cant stands are holy priest, i find them an snire fest and cat druids, I find them booooooring af

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I am honestly trying Paladin again. They’ve always been a cant get past level 10 one for me.
other than that I would have to say Monk,Mage,Demon Hunter.

Rogue, ret pally, and dh. i feel too squishy as rogue, ret isnt fun, and dh doesnt have enough transmog options

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The 1rst 10 -15 levels woul try the patience of a saint. Also, you kinda get in the mood for stealthing around. No big blasts of power just careful thinking. For me they’re fun, but work -

Esit: I honestly couldn’t see taking them through a dungeon. I know it’s done, not sure how I’d pull it off.

Resto Druid because I don’t fancy the idea of cat weaving. Switching to a combo and energy system to deal damage seems tedious to me

Shaman. I’ve been playing since vanilla and I have never managed to get one to max level at any point. I don’t know what it is about that class but it just does not appeal to me.

My buddy had a rogue named “TheRougeGrim” for the longest time till someone pointed out the spelling error, now he will never log on that toon again out of embarrassment. its such a fond memory for everyone else tho haha



I don’t enjoy healing, and I don’t enjoy being purple all the time.

Mage, Rogue.

I have played both. I can appreciate both. I cannot play both. :upside_down_face:

For me, it is not only will I not main, but I will not even play after trying them once. That is a rogue.

I am a healer at heart and find that role so relaxing in raids. So, I will just avoid them. I do enjoy tanks, but cannot get past wanting to heal for a main.

I have leveled others such as hunters and mage, but never main them as they cannot heal. :slight_smile:

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Mage, Monk.

I’ve leveled a few of them but I just can’t enjoy them.

Hunter. Although I actually like the class it. Suffers from two points.

None of it’s 3 DPS specs are in my top 10. No multirole potential.

Druids. Am I a tank, a healer, a DPSer or all 3 at once and everyone expects me to play as this super hybrid. I like their lore, but I just cannot…

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All of the caster DPS (besides Ele Shaman), BM Hunter, Rogue, Warrior, maybe Feral

I hate the energy resource. Standing back and casting spells doesn’t appeal to me at all. Pets basically doing all the work isn’t all that exciting and Warrior is just…I don’t know. I’ve tried so many times to level one but I don’t know what it is with it that I just can’t get into it.