What class are the Earthen mainly known for?

So what class do you guys think the earthen are mainly known for Lore wise?

from what i have come across the Earthen have only been in Azeroth in these zone’s so far

  • Uldaman
  • Ulduar
  • Uldum
  • Stonetalon
  • Deepholm
  • Halls of Stone

The Earthen were created by the Titanic Keepers to help shape the subterranean regions of the world during the ordering of Azeroth.

the titan’s also had a failed experiment wich are called Trogg’s they were the original experiment before the Earthen Dwarves wich they had/have conflict with?.

Yogg-Saron corrupted the Forge of Wills, tainting it with a curse known as the “Curse of Flesh”, any titan-forged being created by it (The Earthen)
would transform into a mortal being of skin and flesh, which made some of the Earthen become the Dwarves we have today!

and thats also where the Dwarves StoneForm Racial ability come’s in, and makes sense

so what would the Class fantasy of an Earthen be what are they known for? im still unsure, or does it mean because they are the Original Dwarves before Dwarves existed in
Azeroth, do they also tie in with the Dwarvern History?

They can play every class (except druid, evoker and demon hunter).

They are explorers (they get bonus xp from exploring) - maybe that means mages.
They also have a ‘titan-wrought frame’ (10% extra armor) - which tends to suggest plate (paladin, warrior, dk).

I always associate dwarves with warriors, priests and shaman.