I came from MG. I needed more WPVP. But I don’t like pvp every second so war mode for me afforded me starting up here. Its been a great server for me so far but I’m not an RPer just enjoy being around them so not sure how that segment truly is but definitely less than MG.
If you’re looking for a guild friend, give us a look. The Ashen Vale. Welcome to ED!
Have definitely noticed this since coming back recently. This just makes it easy to get WPvP quests done, though, because the blobs are not the usual ED quality. It’s easy to pick off stragglers.
Who’d have guessed that one search for Emerald Dream would turn up a Ravenhul post!
I left back in the day because my friends from KotE who stuck around after the disband went to MG. We just got tired of feeling like the sole focus of the server was WPvP griefing (Return’s group made it just as bad on Horde as I’m to understand).
By the end of MoP the quality of RP, community, and especially the game itself had gone down significantly since Wrath.
I’ve been asked a couple of times onto WrA and still might give it a shot, but I don’t think I’ll have much fun again until Classic comes out :T Fun to see a few of the old server boys still kicking around though
Being a Defiler of Arathor, I miss them too. Only crossing my fingers they will revive again. We need some beef.
It wasn’t really a Multiboxer issue as that was a few years ago at the time of the mass transfer.
It was mostly due too immature people reporting names they don’t like, people starting drama because it doesn’t fit the RP that they are doing.
I gave up on organized WPVP, it’s easier and more rewarding to play rated content at this point. In any server, you will still be zerged by 40 man LFR groups.
Hello Ravenhul my old friend!
Saying ED is improving now should be a given, because RPers can now just turn Warmode off if griefing is happening. It should improve, but saying that it was because of the people leaving is incorrect. The problem RPers had before Warmode was that certain guilds would target any RP event there was especially that involved certain guilds. Also dumb things like mass name reporting etc happened. The community ED had before the big influx of WPvP seekers was that of a mix of RP guilds that also had PvP guilds that would actively participate with them in events (AKA The Crew/Nyx & KotE/NMM). Was there still griefing? Yep, but the community policed it. Then the influx on non RPers happened after Blizzard opened up the transfer process so there were no transfer restrictions and since ED had a rep for a big WPvP scene PvP server players came to ED for only the PVP part not understanding the WPvP scene also had a big influence from the RP community. So again, ED’s improvement isn’t because the drama queen RPers left, it’s because of the server changes and Warmode (as well as sharding) that has made it so it CAN improve.
This all being said after being one of the people who left ED for WrA (and I have enjoyed WrA) I may venture back to ED because I found a guild I actually enjoy, which even on WrA I didn’t find mostly because while there are some, most RP guilds there don’t have any kind of PvP focus at all. The people I followed there (KotE members) made a guild that is to on and off again for me. People seam to quit to often for long periods of time and any PvP focus they had doesn’t really exist anymore.
true is that.
Some of us still salty about yall leaving us . Sadly a bigger divide happened with warmode. Many of us rp guilds refuse to turn it off so we never get to see those who refuse to turn it on. leading to big voids that need to be filled by a rp pvp campaign
That’s sad to hear but it doesn’t surprise me. War mode does nothing but separate players more now in my opinion anyway. I understand that people probably think RP is fine or growing and maybe in the circle they run with it is which is great. But honestly RPers in general are a dying breed, even on WrA and MG you are seeing more and more non RP compliant guilds spamming trade or out in the world. People are migrating to WrA and MG for server size. It will be interesting to see how well the RP classic servers do.
Horde are too busy being snowflakes over stupid crap, so people with half a brain left to MG and WRA
I am definitely interested to know where the remnants of KotE are heading for Classic. I see this reboot of Vanilla as the grand end to this long strange wow journey. We might as well all experience it together, one last time, as either allies or enemies.
-Zu. Co-Prophet of The Crew.
Report wars of 2016-2018 didn’t help either
Oh yes. I definitely remember that.
Wow Anzzu a name I haven’t seen in a long while.
Don’t help that the Horde RP discord is on fire, people at each other’s throats, paranoia, and other great chaotic inducing symptoms. As for your note on wpvp, sharding and warmode happened (Go blizzard funnn!)
I think what does not make situations better is when we choose to dwell on the past or bad things that happen.
There is certainly more good that happens on this server than bad. But its human nature to dwell on the bad, because that is a learning curve for us.
But the ones that are successful in life. They will be like “ooo that didnt work, well i can move one to something new or improve upon that idea to make it better.”
There have been plenty of things that worked in the past. But like anything else you will get extreme cultures when you try to mix two things together. Example Rp and PvP. It will be especially hard for players who do not like or can handle conflict to want to deal with it especially from individuals who thrive on creating drama or conflict.
Not everything is going to go peoples way. But through discussion and compromise there will be great results. And people do not have to be rigid all the time. There should be some room for co-operation.
But as for Rp-PvP it has been missed severely, with the sharding and this being more of my personal problem. Lack of updates to old world maps To make this feel like a full on faction war.
It’s the moo effect… one person of stature does something and it will get a lot of followers… not to mention some higher lvl harassment tactics being done…
“Battle for Azeroth” fight for 2 small islands