What Casuals (99.9%) Want

Nah, mok’nathal over ogres any day.


That is a sick mog

Because it’s not a mental state. You clearly ignored one of the definitions to try and look smart. The irony is you used the wrong context.

I think this is a good general classification. Though casuals can also have goals like KSM/KSH/AOTC/Gladiator

They aren’t going to go get them the first month but they might still have one or more of those goals to get by the end of the season.

Edit: kind of using myself as an example of a casual player getting KSM/KSH/AOTC. My goals in game are to get KSM & AOTC by the end of the season. I can really only play for 2-3 hours on a weeknight but am able to play more frequently on the weekend. I went for KSH after getting KSM because I wanted to push myself a bit. I’m not going to be joining any MDI teams or becoming a cutting edge raider, but I want to have some in game goals to meet.

i havnt ignore anything i said time can play a part in it but all in all its what you do with that time thats important. as i explained in my above posts aka a 3k player playing 8 hours a week pushing keys vs another 8 hour player running around a fountain talking in trade are not equivalents and to act like they are is asinine. same thing for “casual” mythic players who not only had to grind out the gear study mechanics and know enough about their class to excel at it but then having to find 19 more people with the same thought process. yup screams casual to me

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And you’re 100% wrong.

Your explanation proves nothing but that you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.

8 hours is 8 hours no matter what level of content you do.

You clearly don’t have a clue what you’re talking about. Casual mythic guilds are an actual thing. Just because you struggle to find it doesn’t mean it’s a hard thing to find.


Oh if only it were a mog! No, that’s the updated model they gave Rexxar in BfA.

you have not provided any ecvidence to the contrary.

in your opinion.

already showed why you cant be a casual mythic player.

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Ahh rip. That would be a beast mog :+1:

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Even if I had you would ignore it. You cherry picking 2 of the 3 definitions for casual prove it.

Yes, an opinion that has credibility.

And that’s based on your incorrect feelings. I am a casual mythic raider. Just because you struggle at the game doesn’t mean everyone does.


I think you’re thinking of world first/hall of fame raiders. There are guilds that do mythic raiding casually. They aren’t the ones only focusing on Eranog and Council though those mostly heroic raiding guilds are often also mostly casual. Good casual players exist. They like hard challenging content like mythic raiding. There’s not a lot of them, but you can find them.

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so nope

still just an opinion just like mine.

its just basic facts that you have to be willing to push up to that level to preform decently in mythic. interesting that you bringing in insults lol. im sure that saying other people suck at the game is exactly what a casual player would say…or is it what someone would say that actaully takes the game a bit too seriously?

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Who voted you Chief Casual?

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my point in this is basically by the nature of mythic raiding you cant be totally casual about it or else you are going to be a carry. if you want to succeed in mythic you need to put forth the effort and in general you will have to make a commitment to complete it. that being said of course there are outliers in every spectrum but in general the rules apply.

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Choosing to not put the effort doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

Credibility matters.

Yiur facts aren’t actually facts. You clearly have zero experience in mythic raiding.

If the shoe fits. I’m sorry that you’re still struggling to grasp something you don’t have any experience in. Casual
Mythic raiding is a thing whether you choose to believe it or not.

i was raiding in mythic guilds up until i purchased part of my company and now dont have the schedule to commit to it anymore. interesting how that works hmm

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So, you want a continent where you’re the only one there? Weird, but ok.

Nah it wouldnt need to be the very best. Maybe a tier behind. Remember what the honor system was like back in Wotlk? You could buy the previous seasons arena gear with Honor. Something like that but for dungeons would be cool. Instead of grinding BGs for honor points you grind dungeons. Eventually you can get the previous seasons gear. Maybe get lucky with the odd random loot upgrade too.

The game could have systems like this in place now but I dont know. I dont have dragonflight yet.

I work 65-70 hours a week and have a family.

You’re just making excuses at that point.

ok, centaur and mok’nathal…(edited - monk nathal LOL)

but centaurs first, ofc.

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