What can we expect for the new HC+?

Cough cough (You should be aware that is a very important part of it. I’m not discrediting or harming you.)

Which you have refused to do for months.

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yes but the rules also say your not supposed to

  • Making non-constructive posts
  • Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish
  • Creating threads for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forums

since you want to get all technical, by all means have chatGPT respond though, I shudder to think what you might say without the AI




It is rather amusing and hypocritical that you would attempt to divert the discussion with another off-topic post. The matter at hand is the future of Infernos/H+ dungeons. Now lets get back to it.

I’d rather wipe in LFR than do Deadmines.

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Who said it was an issue? That wasn’t even the point of the post.

The point was that the system in-game actively prevented you from doing those dungeons until you got the appropriate gear for them.

That is partially due to heirlooms not scaling their ilvl alongside their stats. PvP gear should reflect that… that is the other point.

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It will 100% be more of the same. There are probably 1-3 interns working on Cata classic. Every single HoO and Deadmines results in at least 1 person leaving, usually the tank.

I hope they at a minimum change the dungeons and do like ZA/ZG + the 3 new ones. Even if they go with the lazy HP/DMG route, doing it on these 5 would be a nice change from the current ones.

Blizzard will most likely not update the new DS dungeons; they will most likely update ZA/ZG, similar to their approach in WoTLK. ToC received a Heroic+ mode, but the three new ICC dungeons were left unchanged.

…was this an old family guy reference?

you dont want them to up the damage or hp of the 3 new ones, they are some of the hardest 5man’s ever put into the game

If I said yes, would you believe me?

They are a joke and take approximately 10-15 minutes to clear.

The only thing that I remember being remotely hard was the trash before the time dragon needing some CC

That wasn’t the case on PTR they melted. But then again everyone in the group was 388+.

Taking a look at spells in, there’s a few new spells called Dragon Soul Resonance that increases player hp and damage done by 5-30%

Each aspect gives a buff, seems similar to the titan rune gamma spec buff.

  • Gift of the Red Dragonflight: Upon a successful block, dodge, or parry instantly unleash a frontal cone of Fire. The effect cannot be triggered more than once every 1 sec.
  • Gift of the Green Dragonflight: Your direct healing spellcasts grant a stacking damage buff, while your damaging spellcasts grant a stacking healing increase buff.
  • Gift of the Blue Dragonflight: While not moving for 10 sec, gain a stacking damage buff. Upon moving, a stack of the damage buff is removed.
  • Gift of the Bronze Dragonflight: While not taking any damage for 10 sec, gain a stacking haste buff. Upon taking damage, a stack of the haste buff is remove.

Enemies probably have: Twilight’s Madness
Damage increased by 50%.
Health increased by 200%.
Attacks have a chance to summon blood globules of Shu’ma.

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Do we know if its using a different currency?

Do you believe Blizzard will permit players to stock pilke old H+ currency to purchase new H+ gear from the vendor?

The new currency is Obsidian Fragment.

No we are not. Classic hasn’t used the legion client since beta. It was swapped to BfA client before it was released, and is up to date with the retail client.