That’s just weird.
Who’s more social, someone who interacts with more people irl but don’t wanna chitchat online or the basement dwelling rats ingame who don’t interact with anyone beyond in game?
Any luck finding friends/partners this season?
do you do coaching lessens?
Usually only for frens.
/shrug oh well ig ggs man np
Nah, any luck finding an e-wife?
Sorry, e-husband?
Yeah dats me
All starting to make sense now. Each to their own. I wish u many e-cubs.
No, I wouldn’t have bothered with several expansions if I didn’t have the ability to pay for the xpac with gold or my sub with gold.
There is also people who don’t have the financial means to pay for the game regularly that this system has helped.
Getting rid of the token would only hurt this game.
All combat add ons gone. Every single one of them. Build in a DR tracker. No more air horns. No more “BAM” or “Healer CC”.
Let’s separate the boys from the men.
Geeks from uber geeks .
You can’t be mad, I saw you Qing with fridge over luke!!!
let’s keep this thread on topic pls thx ig ggs man /shrug
Why should anyone show you that courtesy when you don’t to anyone else?
I wish I could say otherwise, because I’d prefer not to see the game die, but you have to speak with your wallet. Time and time again, blizzard has demonstrated that they are extremely reluctant to do anything unless they undeniably see a drop in $. Even then, their implementation and fix of “issues” often miss the mark.
I do think blizzard will eventually make updates to arena systems, MMR, ranking system etc, but it will likely either be too little too late, a complete crap show of stuff no one asked for, or a mixture of both.
Again, I’d love to be proven wrong!
No it wouldn’t in fact the game was far more successful w/o it. To the tune of 5-7million more players. That isn’t just the token but the general mentality of the dev team, implement a bunch of predatory gimmicks and attempt to profit. $90 auction house mount would be another example. From Wrath-End MoP you could farm all the gold you needed with pvp only, and we didn’t need cash shop gimmcks and fake monthly subs to create the illusion of success.
Tell me you’re selling boosts w/o telling me. Also tell me you don’t know how currency inflation works w/o telling me.