What can the arena forums do to save retail pvp?

I’d argue that the system is fine, but the reward structure needs updating.

The system expects players to be playing continuously for the highest rating they can achieve.

But players play till they get the reward they feel is achievable for them.

Then they stop.

Which causes bottlenecks in the system.


also keep in mind its the holidays right now so a lot of players are still travelling, spending time with family or even visiting other countries which is also causing queue times to go up . once xmas brake is over queue times should go down but not by much

Probably won’t really happen until the last week or two of the season, people will queue for a last push to see if they can get to the next reward.

Then they’ll play for a week or two in the new season, go back to playing whatever they’re playing normally and then do it again in the last week or two of season 2.

Why the interest? :eyes:

That’s kind of how wow works, though. Ranks have been fairly consistent in recent seasons.

Exception being Verdant starting pretty slow and Draconic being a little too easy/free.

It doesn’t. Maybe a little tweak to healers in shuffle and of course knocking Blitz down like 500 points but for the most part it’s fine.

We’re the only ones who call Maccas, Maccas.

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I know that cpt obvious.

I wasn’t certain that you did, based on your question to Nas, since I thought it was fairly obvious why they were asking.

I asked the reason why he wants to know, not why he knows. :brick:

Based on the question, I’d argue that they didn’t know, which is why they asked.

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Your answer was related to your observation but has nothing to do with my question.

Just curious!

I’ve always heard it was “an australian thing”, but I had a roommate who did a study abroad and reported that no one ever said that in australia, but that it was a NZ thing. However, a guy I do raid sales with is from New Zealand, but is convinced that no one there calls it Maccas, and that it’s an australian thing.

I was just wondering how much was regional vs just individual preference and if it WAS a real thing or more of a meme.


Did you need see my last posts about voluneering to heal people to give them their boosts for free? I told people I have a maxed out and geared holy paladin that I literally will get them going and very few have joined in-game. The ones that did got their free 1800.

It’s real, Maccas uses it themselves as part of their branding over here, they trademarked it in 2013.

I think it’s in NZ mostly because there are a lot of Kiwis in Australia, we have fairly relaxed visas between both nations, so it spread over there.

Apparently Britain uses it too.

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Does anyone want to bet IRL money that I can drag this Krispyflayz/Dozer guy out of the 1500s in 2v2 bracket straight to the 1800 he desires for free? 2k is very easy also, honestly, as long as he uses a few more brain cells. I’ll save him 80 dollars. Someone just watch me live stream it. Let’s go. Log in and let’s just hurry this up. I’m bored.

That’s all I needed. What Hirav said was hyperbolic and obvious cos just by u asking which of those 2 countries, gave away that fact. Anyways,

He is wrong.

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Bring it to heel or heal?

Healing is pretty boring rn.

I only enjoyed playing healers that have utility and none of those are good.

Disc priest just spams shields and hpal literally is immune to everything and just stand in mid like a bot.

You have hpals and disc priest at 2.3 who probably don’t even have dispel or freedom key bound.

Shami who refuse to link.

You need healing to be fun to incentivize quality players to do it.

Otherwise it’s just bad and frustrating.

Hate to be a negative nancy, but I doubt there’s anything the arena forums can do to save retail pvp. Tons of great ideas, complaints, concerns, questions have been posed numerous times on these forums and we RARELY see a blue post. We’re met with dead silence pretty much. I’ve just come to the conclusion that they don’t care, are inept, or just don’t want to put time/effort into pvp for $ reasons.

Mostly because they get treated to a media scrum like experience every time they make a post.

A Blue!! A Blue!! Quick, ask all the questions, even if they’re unrelated to the post.

Whereas Politicians and Corporates these days have vetted journalists, asking known questions, calmly, at pre-organized press conferences.

Ty for the explanation!

I appreciate it! :slight_smile:

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