What Blizzard Teaches

It’s the “pull up the ladder behind you” mentality.

Sad to say, this applies to a lot of aspects in life, it’s not unique to WoW really.

Not enough people play this game anymore that you have a constant stream of new players for low keys, etc.

So those areas just dry up, intentional or not.

People just finish and move on, everyone else is kinda boned, even if the content is still ‘avaliable’, and they come back for the next patch, and rinse and repeat.

  • Because some people don’t have the luxury I do to just take my time and play for hours, or even days.
  • Because some players care more about winning the loot pinata than just finishing to help others.
  • Because it is the end of the season. People have already spent 6 months grinding what they wanted.

There are no big mysteries here. If there is one thing Blizzard has taught me, it is to appreciate my favorite parts of the game, and ignore the rest.

If you make game good and fun you no need to teach.