What Blizzard got wrong with TBC classic

I know there are lots of posts covering this but as someone who played TBC originally, and came back just to play TBC then un-subbed and may not sub again here are the issues as I see it from TBC as it is being done:

  • Philosophically TBC a 15 yearish old game should be a “love letter” to the fans and people who played or want to play it, and should be more inclusive and not less (aka introducing new gating mechanisms for elistism, as a perceived motivation for people to keep playing – in ways that did not exist then

  • Shout out to class mechanics that have been busted I see you feral druids!

  • I’m a no change person, so forgive me, but the changes that have been made have well, not been very good.

Instead of adding real QoL changes (dual-spec, a group finder improvements (not dungeon finder) not it’s absence, I hit on ratings req’s for gear that didn’t have it, or fixing the broken economy that is out of control, or giving fresh servers

  • Not long enough pre-patch with tons of issues - honor issues- talent issues- etc

  • To fix those things you need maintenance, but well, we already lost a few days due to maintenance, can we get an extension to allow people more time? I have all my toons at 60 that I plan to play, but I can do some playing when I shouldn’t (wink wink) other people are gonna be so far behind that decide to jump in and not boost

  • Finally, this has been all about the money. The release, the boosts, the original 35 dollar fee to copy a line in a database from one server to another (thank you for reverting that but that is complete horse****)

What the “smart” people at blizzard don’t understand, that, you would make far more money, if you made this game more inclusive, offering prestige rewards that don’t effect gameplay balance, then the route you are taking (same as retail surprise surprise).

People were darn happy and motivated to get that glad drake, and sit on it all day, without keeping the other players at a disadvantage who pay to play as well.

I think time and effort should be rewarded, but not in order to suppress your other customers, it’s not smart business.

Make quality of life changes, fix the economies, bugs, shoot make the graphics bad a** and send a love letter to your fans and customers, and you will profit beyond these cheesey nickel and diming transactions.

That is what made wow so great when it began.


Your whole post can start and end right there.

The issue is players for some reason expected different from blizzard, a company that

-Put a RMT AH in Diablo 3 then coded gear to not drop for your class, forcing use of such AH

-Re"mastered" Cod 4, tied it behind a crappy CoD sequel, jammed DLC and a season pass into it, which it didn’t have originally AND resold the DLC maps, with no changes

-Has, for fifteen years, constantly missteped on wow

and yet despite all this.

you pay.

At this point idk what to say, the writing was on the wall this was a cash in cause it’s blizzard and, lo and behold, it was totally right, as were many others.

Adjust your expectations. When money is involved, you won’t budge blizzard anymore than they planned for


I agree. It should be as similar as possible to the original TBC.

That is changing things. That is the exact opposite.

Once I realized you were arguing with yourself, I stopped reading. Like a zillion other players, you want TBC to be the exact game that YOU want, and mold your arguments and your “logic” to justifying that position.

Me? I don’t want TBC to be anything other than a copy of the old game.

NOTE: this is about the 500th time I’ve seen the argument “Hey Blizz, you would make more money if you did X”. But Blizzard never does X. In other words, the whole idea that “Blizzard will do anything to make money” is pure nonsense. It’s like trying to sell frozen shave-ice cones on ski lifts, to eskimos, in the winter. Nonsense.

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No. My point was if you change it which i do not want, at least make good changes.

Your post explains why I’m the last of 8 friends who still play the game :pleading_face:

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Don’t forget Warcraft 3.

Ok, so…


See the contradiction?

This is just a “I don’t like this, do this instead or I will unsub” thread.

Move along. Nothing to see here.

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I do think they’ll do anything to make more money… just that op’s suggestion is incorrect that they’d make more money that way. Op thinks because they like it everyone else will so blizz will make more money. They think everyone plays the way they do.

Classic Vanilla was the love letter. TBC is getting fat after 10 years of relationship. They just don’t care anymore (again).

Like where is the Recruit a Friend system…

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