RP in current content is incredibly rare, no matter what it is. Like back in WoD you didn’t usually see draenei in Shadowmoon despite that seeming like an obvious thing.
Generally the parts halfway between sundown and dawn.
I rather see a Silvermoon revamp and going straight for K’aresh after that. Quel’thalas is not the right place to fita void expansion.
I’m wondering what’s became of Tranquillen and Scourgeholme.
The former’s the first time you really saw a Forsaken military excursion outside their home terf and it’s cute how ramshackle they look. All random cobbled togethered leathers, bits of mail and random sharp objects. It’s a far cry from the well oiled war machine with mass produced equipment we see today.
Be cool to see Tranquillen as a mixed Sin’Dorei / Forsaken city and Scourgeholme as a Forsaken military base. It’s unlikely anyone else could live there, much yet thrive, so why not let their allies rework it into a stronghold like they did the Undercity?
It’d be cool if the Forsaken got like a heroic version of the Wrathgate where they get the elves to retreat then when the Void forces pursuit- KABOOM-GAS EVERYWHERE-BLIGHT BATS SCREECH OVERHEAD AS MOUNTED DREADGUARD AND ABOMINATIONS SMASH INTO THEM LIKE WRECKING BALLS.
Then have like Belmont say;
“Did you think us awed? Did you think us afraid? We are the eyes in the night, we are the hunger in the dark - and we fear nothing”.
Ya know let the Forsaken just go berserk on something no one can complain about for once so they can have a heroic moment.
Great ideas! Scourgeholme definitely needs some sort of makeover, whether that’s to make an attempt at healing it or to renovate it to better fit Forsaken use.
I really want to see the Dark Rangers (and Thalassian death knights, but their situation is a bit different) get some sort of acknowledgement in Midnight. Maybe they could have a shared lodge with the Farstriders in Tranquillien? I just like the idea of Dark Rangers having the option to serve in the Ghostlands if they wish, and Tranquillien seems like a good fit.
For Midnight, I would love it if Suramar was minimally updated to be a functioning city cleared of hostile NPCs, updated to show the burgeoning relationship between the Nightborne and Blood Elves, and possibly acting as a shelter for displaced Blood Elf civilians during the events of Midnight.
No. They’ve said over the years that “No plans right now, but who knows in the far future.”
Fact is, nobody is nostalgic for the cata version of the zones and they said that the end of the world soul saga will mark a new beginning for WoW. To me, that makes it likely that they’ll finally fix what they wrecked with cataclysm.
Some zones I will miss though. Like Eastern Plaguelands or the Badlands.
And I guess Northern Stranglethorn because of the cute baby raptor. Which fun fact, you can get if you do Bloodlord in cata ZG after doing that questline.
Cataclysm was great and I will fight every classic boomer over it.
The cata version of the plaguelands with Fiona and company will always be one of my fav zones from cata
Meh. Even the cata zones I used to like, I’ve kind of grown out of love with. Namely the forsaken zones. Cool power trip to play through at the time, but the flanderization of the Undead as a faction as well as the multitude of lore inconsistencies surrounding the Val’kyr raising new ones are all traceable back to those zones.
Also, doing them again in Classic Anniversary, the tone and atmosphere is SUBSTANTIALLY better in vanilla. I’m not saying they couldn’t do a storyline of the Forsaken expanding through old lordaeron, but the way they did it was bad and caused nothing but problems later. And that’s not even getting into all the meme crap shoved everywhere.
I started right before Wrath, actually. Doesn’t change the fact that Cataclysm dumpstered alot of the zones, made the world building a great deal worse, and did a far worse job of introducing new players to the lore of the world they’re in than Vanilla did.
I will say that there are more outraging Cata classic zones than there are good ones. Two of the human leveling zones being pop culture references ad nauseam is a big red flag in that regard. Those being Westfall and Redridge. Which is honestly a shame because the twist that we murdered and beheaded a father right in front of his daughter was amazing. I can see Vanessa crying and slowly those tears fade away as anger and hatred build up within her. But that moment is overshadowed by the CSI: Miami jokes and references.
No joke but I kinda wished that in vanilla Deadmines Timewasting edition, they added in a silhouette of Vanessa as a child inside the cabin. Since canonically, she was there.
Cata in general is the point where WoW became meme overloard until WoD where the backlash to MoP’s launch tone made them pull back on it.
Yes, Vanilla through Wrath had memes and pop culture references every now and again, but Cata and MoP were INUNDATED in either references or just cartoonish nonsense.
Unfortunately, the backlash to BFA and Shadowlands has lead to Dragonflight and now The War Within feeling like a freaking Disney Channel animated show rather than Warcraft. I hope to Christ that Metzen is driving them to put a bit of edge back into WoW for midnight, cuz all this crap with every minor villain having a goofy voice and every quest chain being punctuated by a group therapy session is getting beyond old.
Vanilla Horde only had the barrens. It had to change due to the zone inbalances that heavily favored the alliance.
That doesn’t justify them doing a bad job with the changes.
It wasn’t bad for the Horde. Which was their stated goal. After 6 years of starting zone priviliges you can settle for less when the pre Cata state of the world was bad for the other half of the playerbase.
Idgaf if it was “bad for the horde” or “bad for the alliance”
The zones were poorly written, most of the changes were the game equivalent of knocking over sand castles, and worst of all, they were just ugly. I think caring about a fantasy map and who has more territory is beyond silly.
Silverpine and Hillsbrad are the best leveling experience to date which was taken by all my alts until now apart from the Remix characters. For me Blizzard did a splendid job.
Like I said before. They created most of the issues the Forsaken have to this day.
They turned them into a super power able to best against what the alliance can throw on them. And claim victory. If it wasn’t for the mess that was BFA we would still control almost all of Lordaeron. But it seems the human fans cried so hard Blizzard was forced to draw an uno reverse card.