What are your top 5 most fun ranged dps?

Please consider rotation, animations, look and feel and design. Please try to not consider numbers

Hunter, boomy, affy lock, fire mage and shadow priest

In no particular order: MM Hunter, Balance Drood, Fire Mage, Demo Lock, Augment Evoker

I’ve only really played Arcane, BM, Devo and Destro as ranged so far. So I don’t have a top 5 right now, but I would say of those, Arcane is probably the most fun and BM is only fun insofar as it’s fun to basically just throw animals at people, but it’s opener for DPS is very clunky. Devo is fun, it’s basically way smoother than in DF because you’re casting empowered spells near constantly and you get cool Dracthyr buddies doing strafing runs for you. Destro is alright, haven’t played my lock much so I guess it’s not captivating me the same way it did in DF.

Blood DK when I pull stuff with Deaths Caress cuz range dps is for cowards

Also ele shaman

Frost mage, hands down.

  1. Ret Paladin
  2. Ret Paladin
  3. Ret Paladin
  4. Ret Paladin
  5. BM Hunter

I like BM Hunter, Demo Lock, and Spriest.

BM Hunter
BM Hunter
BM Hunter
BM Hunter
BM Hunter

MM Hunter, Frost Mage.

Beast Mastery Hunter
I love the simplicity of its rotation and the freedom to cast while on the move. However, the animations don’t quite resonate with me. I prefer the visual style of the arrows from Marksmanship. Additionally, the spec lacks a cohesive color theme, which makes it feel visually inconsistent.

Destruction Warlock
This spec has the best animations of any class, hands down. I also enjoy the simplicity of the single-target rotation, at least before hero classes were introduced. That said, I miss having a permanent Infernal, and I dislike how the spec revolves around such long cooldown timer. On top of that, using the spell reticle for abilities like Rain of Fire is frustrating, especially for shorter races like Gnomes—or really anyone trying to cast it in the middle of combat.

Survival Hunter: We throw explosions.

  1. Druid Balance
  2. Arcane Mage
  3. Ele Shaman
  4. MM Hunter
  5. Destru Lock

MM hunter is the most fun currently but it appears fun isn’t allowed so that will change. Arcane mage used to be fun too but not anymore - fun wasn’t allowed there either

Affliction Warlock

Devastation Evoker

Shadow Priest

Marksmanship Hunter

Elemental Shaman

I am going to have to switch my arcane mage over - I just hate what they have done to it and although I find fire fun, I don’t care for playing it in world content

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I only play melee lol

I don’t like any of them, except maybe devastation.

Played a hunter since launch because I like the play style and versatility


Fire mage is so fun to just pop bam blow mobs

  1. Arcane Mage
  2. Marksman Hunter
  3. Destruction Lock
  4. Shadow Priest
  5. Elemental Shammy