What are your top 5 most boring dps specs in wow

I would like to know just for fun. Here is my list:

Boring specs

  1. Arcane mage: AB, AB, AB… until mana is out
  2. Sin Rogue: Too slow for my taste
  3. BM hunter: My pets doing more damage than me
  4. Demo warlock: too confusing how to perform well
  5. Frost mage: FB, FB, FB… until something procs

Fun specs

  1. Destruction warlock: Feels amazing to launch big green balls and the animations are goog
  2. MM hunter: Feels good to crit with Aimed shot and rotation feels smooth. I love kill shot and mobility
  3. Outlaw rogue: It feels fast and furious. It feels amazing to get 3 buffs from roll the bones
  4. Balance druid: What can I say? this caster has everything to get the job done.
  5. Retribution paladin: Golden wings of destructions
    Honorable Mention: Arms warrior. while it feels slow, it feels good to hit with a big weapon

I might be Biased but:

Boring Specs

  1. 34/36 Specs

Fun Specs

  1. Frost DK
  2. Fury Warrior

You crazy? At max level your poisons and bleeds is what makes the spec really fun

Assassination rogue is the spec that makes rogues be… Rogues

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Maybe I have not experienced Sin at max level but I feel it is quite slow and inmobile compared to warrior

It’s really slow at leveling but when you finally get venomous wounds and around level 40 the kidney shot bleed, you start ramping up energy like crazy

So basically every two seconds on a target with kidney shot bleed talent, garrote bleed and rupture bleed you get 24 energy per 2 seconds

I completely disagree with balance druid being fun right now. It’s not. You push 1 button every 3 minutes for damage and outside of that good luck because you won’t be doing any. It’s the epitome of terrible and boring.

I personally think all specs of Shaman, Fury Warrior and Frost DK are defo the fun specs right now.


Yes it is true about balance druid but they have so many utilities that make them fun like shapeshift and it feels good to cast 3 starsurges in a row when eclipse is managed

Unholy DK
Shadow Priest
BM Hunter
Outlaw Rogue
Enhancement Shaman

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Windwalker monk hands down most boring spec I’ve ever played


Top 5 Most Boring; labelled greatest to least:

  1. Frost Mage
  2. Anything Rogue
  3. Fury Warrior
  4. Survival Hunter … I miss it being ranged
  5. Affliction Lock … hate micro-managing DoTs
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Warlock, Warrior, Demon Hunter, and Monk. These are the classes I just can’t play.

Enhancement have many abilities to push it’s going to be really really fun coming 9.2 due to that tier set

More abilities =/= more fun.


to me they are all boring in their own ways. i feel like the only thing between them that makes it no feel like so is basically a persons perspectives on the class like aesthetics, lore, and power. i mean lets be real nobody wants to be at the bottom of the polls but when your spec is good then it makes you happy and it feels less boring basically a plecibo effect.

i think for someone who say plays only 1 spec for 8 hours straight 7 days a week NO breaks inbetween you cannot tell me they’d get bored. people simply fill the void with other things like taking a break, playing another spec, playing alts, etc…


Just out of curiosity, since you had your top 5 faves and your top 5 least faves, any reason you decided to title this thread and lead off with the negative?

Here are mine:

Specs I love to play:

  1. Fire mage
  2. MM Hunter
  3. Enhancement Shaman
  4. Feral Druid
  5. Havoc DH

Because I like to be toxic

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Most boring for me (no particular order) are:

Warrior (all specs)
Hunter (all specs)
Rogue (all specs)
Monk (all specs)

That’s more than 5 specs, but anything that’s based on magic-less lore in a fantasy game like these classes just doesn’t do it for me as I tend to favor classes that mix melee and magic.

My top favorite specs are:

Enhancement shaman (audio and visually *chef kiss)

Frost death knight (if only BoS would just get deleted)

Havoc demon hunter (I’ve been an illidan fan boy since wc3)

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Survival Hunter. So, so boring.

Survival hunter is very fun. I would say BM is much more boring


I only PvP for what it’s worth.

For me, all hunter and all mage specs are boring. I haven’t tried lock or spriest, but I think I’m just not a caster lol.

Rogue and Warrior are fun because of their utility. There’s a lot of ways to fight. DH is super basic but so zoomy it keeps me engaged lol

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