What are your thoughts on what Troll Heritage quest will be about?

I’d love to see some focus on the unique Troll class types like Shadow Hunter and/or Witch Doctor.

I think it’d be cool to see the Darkspear be the tribe that unifies the other non-Zandalari tribes under one banner for the Horde. But… I also want the bulk of the quest to be on the Darkspear specifically, so this might be a little difficult to do without splitting focus.

I hope they don’t do any of Vol’jin story with the Heritage quest though, I feel like it would be a waste.


In keeping of the spirit of all Darkspear content the game has ever had, it’ll be only available for a month and end in an embarrassing and callous manner as the trolls aren’t an author’s pet race, with the heritage armor itself amounting to a new tint of vanilla greens.

But it’d be real cool if the Darkspear decided to re-establish a foothold in STV. Replace Grom’gol with a mini-hub for Darkspear like Bel’ameth.


I hope it revisits the Shadows of the Horde plot thread about how shoring up its power within the Horde has propelled the Darkspear to a position of strength, while its contemporaries have weakened and withered on their doomed conquests. Maybe have Talanji make Rokhan the deal Khal’ak offered Vol’jin, to elevate the Darkspear to the “first tribe of the Empire,” or have the Darkspear champion battle those of the faltering tribes and rope them into the Horde through force of arms.

Either way, focus should be on the Darkspear characters rather than the Zandalari queen or the Amani or whoever else, and hopefully effort is made to build up its woefully undeveloped supporting cast.


The trolls do have plenty of fun concepts with Loas or Witch Doctors that should make a great quest. I doubt it can fail. :popcorn::robot:

…although i’m underestimating Zalazane’s return. :robot::sweat_drops:

killing two dwarves in the morning
killing two dwarves at night


My guess, it will involve Vol’jin hatching from his wild seed and maybe replacing Bwonsamdi as the Loa of Kings.

Guy who wrote the Worgen Heritage Armor Quest: It should be about how much Trolls should hate being Trolls and instead should be humans.

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That is two classes so niche that no one but Darkspear still use it.

No that was just to show that Gilneas is still the same nation even if most of their people are beasts now.

No one cares about the supporting cast. We all know we will see the A tier cast(The whole alliance leadership) again soon enough so there is no point to focus on characters who don’t even have unique voice actors.

I think it will be similar to the Orc heritage line and have to do with the various Gurubashi-based Troll clans.

Darkspear and Gurubashi are obvious in that regard, but we’ve had playable Sand Trolls for a while now and there are older lore sources that state them to be a branch off of the Gurubashi from before the Sundering.

This would leave the Forest Trolls (Amani) and Frost Trolls (Drakkari) as pretty much the only non Horde-aligned trolls, and its worth noting that we are returning to both Quel’thalas and Northrend within the next 3 expansions.

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Look at the Farraki NPCs. That is not the actual Sand troll skin.

Depends on which ones, the model used for the sand troll in Throne of Thunder and the general in Zandalar both line up pretty well with the playable version.

Not at all. Go to Tanaris. It’s more golden and not yellow.

I know, that’s why I was referencing newer material

I imagine it’ll involve killing trolls. No one kills trolls better than other trolls.

Maybe they’ll kill the Amani. Set-up for Midnight.

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Than in midnight we’ll kill them again for extra measure.


This constant theme has been one of my biggest criticisms of WOW’s story. Until BFA, the only time we got Troll content was to always to beat them down and take their stuff:

  • Vanilla - we raid Zul’gurub and take their stuff
  • TBC - we raid Zul’aman and take their stuff
  • Wrath - we raid Zul’drak and take their stuff after they’ve been almost wiped out by the Scourge
  • Cata - ZG and ZA redux
  • MOP - We finish killing off all of their leaders in Throne of Thunder and Isle of Thunder
  • WOD - no Troll content
  • Legion - no Troll content, unless we want to count Strom’kar’s effect to fear Troll NPCs

Then BFA comes along and we finally get to actually help the Trolls by stopping Zul from taking over Zandalar.

I didn’t play SLs until the final patch and blazed through the main story with all the catch-ups. I just know De Other Side was a dungeon, but don’t know the story, if any, associated with it.


Also Zul’Farrak. Well, maybe not raid raid, but still.


Oh right, I forgot about that dungeon. I was just using the general “raid”, as in invading a place, and not the specific game term “Raid”.