What are your thoughts on the 4060's?

Are you getting one?

Nvidia will sell a lot of them direct to the PC sellers because the profit margin on the chips are good (manufacturing process is easier) and the card itself is power efficient.

From a consumer perspective, it’s OK if you all you play are MOBA’s, MMO’s, previous gen console ports, and older PC games but the price is still too high.

For modern games it’s an easy pass; priced too high, the combination of memory and memory bandwidth will give it a very short life span for pleasurable rasterization in AAA gaming at the highest settings even at 1080p.

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The 4060 ti is for 1080p and 1440p gaming. 4k is too much for it. I play D4 at 1440p on high settings at 120 FPS with mine. It does frame generation, but you won’t need it. Any stutters I get in D4 aren’t related to my video card. I get 120 FPS in WoW outside of major cities. I can get higher FPS. I just have it capped.

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I’m not sure I remember a new release GPU getting quite the level of disapproval online that this is. Most everywhere I look, people are hating on these cards.

I mean that’s an issue on multiple levels even outside of the cards performance

You have the consolidation of tech review site from the many of 10+ years ago to the few we now have
You have the change over of reviewers moving from written reviews to youtube individual review brands and their desire to differentiate while also desperate for click views through hyperbole headline. They offer more opinion than education and facts.
You have an increase of viewers who regurgitate these reviewer opinions as facts while not caring one bit to actually learn about the hardware

There is an old saying of “there is no bad products just bad prices” and while not always 100% true it often can be applied to most products.

The RTX4060 is not a bad card and it will fit the needs for a certain niche of gamers. If the card was sold as the RTX4050ti for $249, no one would bat an eye and say it’s a fine card. The performance doesn’t change, just the name and the card somehow becomes ok? That’s ridiculousness. Somehow you have people who would never even think about purchasing the RTX-XX60 tier are going scorched earth on it as if they are some sort of gate keepers to gaming and any card below 12GBs of RAM is an abomination.

if the RTX4060 was the RTX4050ti @ $249 it would be fine
if the RTX4060ti was the RTX4060 @ $299 it would be fine
if the RTX4060ti 16GB was the RTX4060ti @ $349 it would be fine

none of that is true though, Nvidia screwed up the lines, screwed up the prices, and has intentionally attempted to keep prices high across the board while keeping demand high on their previous high tier cards by sand bagging performance of the current generation.

The outrage should be towards the business practices by Nvidia (and also AMD) but not towards people simply looking to get better performance for their PC gaming hobby. Would I recommend the cards? Currently, in a very specific scenario but the prices really need to come down. I certainly would not tell people in no uncertain way can you possibly purchase these cards and your only option to play video games (at my personal specification of course /s) is to drop $500+ on a video card. That’s hardly inclusive and the more people playing PC games, means more people buying hardware, means more options, more competition, and better prices for the consumer.


Right now 4-series only really makes sense if you are going to go for at least a 4070ti, if not a 4080 or 4090.

Once you get down into the midrange segment, there are so many 3-series and even 2-series cards that will still give you great performance. Skip the 4060 and just get a 3070 or 3080 instead. Even a 2080, or a 1080ti (if you don’t care about RTX at all) will beat a 4060 in most cases, and you can find those pretty cheap these days.

The only real advantage that the 4060 has over older generation cards is DLSS 3.0, but Wow doesn’t yet support DLSS, even older versions, at all. RTX is a bit more efficient on 4-series cards but at that level of card, you’re probably going to run the game with RTX disabled.

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I have the impression from various things I’ve read that Nvidia is a little shady with how they’ve marketed the 4060’s, encouraging a hype for them that’s fairly unwarranted.

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that’s warranted of many brands including Nvidia, AMD, Intel, etc.,

end of the day the product’s performance matches your needs and budget or it doesn’t. Simple as that. The RTX 4060 can be a great upgrade for some people and complete dud for others. For most gamers with fairly modern hardware, it will be more of the latter.

By my impressions, no, not like this.

I’ve never before seen a new-release series of cards be so universally panned and essentially laughed at, despite the manufacturer marketing them with super hype as if they’re next level amazeballs.

Granted, I don’t always watch things that closely and pay that much attention to new release tech, but still… this is bad.

Not sure why they are being “laughed” at, that said Nvidia has had its share of “questionable” releases. There was the three different versions of an entry level series (7300 SE, GS, LE) that all trailed a fourth entry level card called the 7300GT. There was the 9800GT that was a 8800GT with a new sticker on it for more money. You had the GTX 460 768mb along with the 1GB version when many cards already had 1GB of ram. You had the GTX 1060 3GB when Nvidia cut down not only the RAM but also the cores. Plenty of other examples in between. AMD has also had it’s fair share.

I think a lot of this has to do with price. When Nvidia “leaked” prices, people were outraged. Nvidia dropped prices but they are still too high for the performance of the cards. People are pissed (rightfully so) at Nvidia (and AMD) at their current business practices and making gamers traditional GPU upgrade cycle of every 2-3 years no longer financially feasible for large jumps in performance.

It seems from most of what I’ve read that price isn’t the reason so many are having negative reactions, but that this is a new series of cards which Nvidia is hyping to be very far superior to previous series and even showing direct comparisons of certain performance numbers making the 4060’s seem super impressive, but which previous series cards in actuality are generally equivalent or even superior to.

If I weren’t too lazy to do so, I’d go search out a bunch of various comments to quote here for you. I’m referring to general, public comments btw, such as, as one example, organic comments found on Nvidia facebook ads for these cards in which Nvidia is just being eviscerated.

I personally don’t read those. I’ll take in a few professional written review sites and get a ballpark sense of performance than compare that to what the AIB partners are selling the cards for. I mean it’s good Nvidia is being eviscerated for their business practices.

I generally don’t pay an abundance of attention to them either, but when so… many… people just seem to be collectively raining down judgment on a company and/or product, you have to be pretty oblivious to not take notice.

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After their fiasco release of the 4080 I would steer away from Nvidia for that alone.

Unless it was for a great price meaning alot lower and back down to pre scalper prices.

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I think if you were looking at buying a 4060 you should immediately stop and wait for 5000 series. It’s most likely not going to be a big enough uplift for you to justify spending the money and it would probably be a waste. Wait for 5000 series. If you are in this camp and you absolutely NEED something right now get a used 3060 off Facebook Marketplace for a cheap price and call it a day. Just make sure it’s a local pickup so you don’t get scammed. Dont buy from someone who ships buy from a local seller

If you are looking at a 4080 or 4090 well that’s a different story. This late in the game I would only buy one of those two if you found one at an insane price. Also at least these two cards are decent Investments and will still be worth some money that you can resell when the 5000 or 6000 series drops to help pay for that upgrade so at least it’s a decent investment.

Also remember Amazon Prime day is right around the corner. So there may be some deals to be found there. This is just my two cents

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Yessss and I’m excited for it. I can’t wait to see what’s gonna be up for grabs this year! I’ll be checking all the big online retailers for goodies.

let’s be honest, blizzard games are massive liability:

  • another patch like 10.0.7 ret nonsense any day now
  • potential content drought
  • new expansion is just talks and preorder
  • classic HC comes with server side crash = death
  • classic+ will never come because this version of wow don’t support token sales and is actual MMO without mindless LFD queuing from capital cities, so company won’t spend resources on that
  • Diablo worth its price but its a very short adventure

with that in mind, investing over $300 on a gpu that can’t run anything other than wow games isn’t wise
that 8Gb vram 128 bus scamgpu will choke on any 1080p high RTX on AAA title and have no future