Everytime I look up and find a pretty transmog I look it up on Wowhead only to discover it can be used during certain festivals, which I quite frankly find rather stupid. So I was wondering what some of y’alls personal favourites were.
I will look over some of my mogs later and see what I have that might fit in the cute category.
Not feeling well tonight, so calling it an early night.
If you roll a vulpera, everything looks cute! Are you looking for a particular armor type (like leather for your rogue) or just anything that is pretty and/or cute for any class?
I hope you are feeling better, Kyzera!
idk about everything looking cute, I don’t think I look cute (or do I? )
Of course you do!
Rawr, but this xmog I use for her all the time because it looks neat and I get whispers about it when I log onto my shamans.
It is very neat! Still fierce looking, even though it’s cute haha.
I like that the latest patch included a lot of covenant transmog that is not armor-specific. The venthyr and kyrian sets are quite pretty. I use the venthyr robes on my vulpera shaman, mainly so I match my questing partner (a vulpera rogue) who is venthyr and wears one of the new armor sets, too. I added the murloc backpack to hide my shield and I think it adds to the cuteness.
Thank you!
Here are some mogs that Kyzera uses, not sure how “cute” they would be considered though.
Also, you are welcome to peruse all my characters (there are many, lol) and look at their various transmogs if you wish.
I have the links under the spoiler tags so as to condense the post better. So just click them to expand them out.
Darkfere - Troll
Dei - Worgen
Lyssae - Night Elf
Jonathon - Kul Tiran
Chloe - Highmountain Tauren
Kumojo - Zandalari Troll
Serepa - Tauren
Elini - Draenei
Kuldi - Tauren
Kramir - Lightforged Draenei
Kelye - Human
Syraenas - Blood Elf
Janoh - Zandalari Troll
Sascha - Dark Iron Dwarf
Asarigrace - Gnome
Patience - Void Elf
Akupunkture - Undead
I totally forgot about this forum post somehow - and I am kinda working on vulpera, but my main is alliance and that’s were all my guild and friends are so it’s slow going lol - and pretty much anything. At this point i have an alt for ever armour type except plate so…