What Are Your Favorite ZM Mounts?

These are my 2 favorite ground and flying mounts from ZM:

Anointed Protostag:

Desertwing Hunter:

No idea, can’t grind enough of the motes to make any of the damn things :angry:


Genesis Motes drop from everything, though.

I honestly have no idea, as a once avid mount collector i’d usually be all over this situation but it seems that pretty much none of the rares drop mounts/pets and they all come from some type of convoluted crafting system that i am yet to familiarize myself with lol

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Probably this one

I just loved the new chickens.

Out of the ones I have. I’m quite happy with my spoder

Always wanted a spoder mount but never had much luck

Try killing the corrupted wildlife in that garden area by the big Forge. East of Haven

Edit: Here brb Ill show you

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Vespoid Flutterer EZ

Just unlocked one of the vombata mounts so I’m looking forward to making that one eventually. Otherwise I’m not a big fan of the mounts I’ve seen. I’ll take all the axolotl pets though.

I like the Raptora mounts, personally.

And of course, the snails for ground mounts.

Haven’t gotten one yet because I don’t support this garbage system. First % chance for the schematic, then a rare mat thats 1.7% or something…its ridiculous. Or buy said rare mats for 100k+ gold…

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My snails

I have the scarlet snail and Serenade

They’re total adorbs :heart_eyes:

I have yet to figure out how to do that silly machine thing (though to be honest I’m not really trying either).


You’d need to spend all day grinding rares and treasures to have enough motes to make half of them. I’ve made 2 mounts and I don’t have enough for a third. Not saying much about the other items you need which are ridiculous too.

I do like the flying bird thing though. Raptora. The red one. Pretty cool.

Snail, raptora and spider mounts are all pretty good.
And for anyone who needs to farm motes. The ravagers in the area south of Haven are a great place. Fast respawn and the npcs help a bit as well. It’s boring but you can get around 900 motes an hour.

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I would like the snail mount. It is very cute. But I do not have the Shadowlands expansion.

The raptoras and vombatas.

It’s still fun, you get to go collect the patterns and farm the low drop rate mats. It’s like rare farming just in a different way. I think you’d dig it if you’re into farming mounts tbh.

Serenade and Buzz.

Buzz Buzz Buzz.