What are your favorite major cities and small towns in WoW?

Personally, my favorite major city has to be Stormwind- I’ve always been a sucker for the medieval castle town aesthetic, and other than missing the Park sometimes, it’s pretty much perfect. Though Boralus is VERY close. VERY very close. It’s just that there are so many hostiles peppered in to some areas that it makes it difficult to appreciate it fully.

As for smaller towns… I’d have to say its between Hearthglen and Elodor. Always been a fan of the Argents, and it’s got a pretty nice atmosphere for somewhere in the middle of the Plaguelands.
Elodor is just… Really pretty, and it’s nice to see what a proper Draenei city could actually look like.


Iron forge and kharanos.



Booty Bay… Because… Pirates.


Big city: Gilneas. Functioning would be New Dalaran.

As for a small place. Hard to say. Typically any hard to reach or empty ones.

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A distraction thread nice tho.

Ristrola nailed it. You can grab ANY innocent bystander that’s never seen WoW before, get on the ship at Ratchet and just wait…
…and as soon as the boat pulls into the harbor and BB comes into view, they’ll all drop their jaws and say “wowww!!! THAT is super cool!!!”

Booty Bay-- best town in the game! Even after all these years.

Grizzly Hills in general gets high marks.

Dazaralor is actually cool LOOKING, but having to get around that pos for any practical reason annoys me.

And as a lifelong Horde player, I’ll give a nod to Ironforge because WoW’s Dwarves are so deeply copied from Tolkien, and every Dwarven city in WoW and ESPECIALLY Ironforge are EXACTLY what Tolkien had in mind for where a Dwarf would live and how it would look. Every time I see those little slits for windows in the sides of the mountains, I choke up thinking “yep-- that’s perfect!”

Silvermoon , Darnasus (Vanilla) , Astranaar (Vanilla) , Exodar , Quel‘Danil Lodge , Dalaran

Lunarfall and Lunarfall. Best town in the game, and it’s both a small town and a major city depending on how far along you are.

Big cities: Thunder Bluff is beautiful Horde side. And for Alliance, I’ve always liked Ironforge.

Small cities: I like Everlook (love snow, and Winterspring is gorgeous), Booty Bay because pirates.

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Iron forge for sure. Ratchet is my favorite small town. There’s just something about that place…

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Dalaran and Razor Hill.

Suramar is gorgeous and I would love for blizz to design an expansion capital like that again.

As for small towns, BB wins hands down.

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Suramar and Boralus are two fantastic cities. For a small town I will go with the garrison from Draenor’s Shadowmoon Valley.

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Ironforge will always be my favorite large city for sentimental reasons. Dwarves are also my favorite fantasy race and Ironforge looks so much like the dwarven strongholds I’ve read about in D&D.

Favorite small town is Thelsamar in Loch Modan. It’s where I could picture Thorland retiring to. Of course we would have to do something about that damn. lol



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Booty bay always made me apprehensive in old pvp servers especially when I was the minor faction.

Typically left alone but step across that STV threshold and ninjas

My favorite large city is Stormwind for its layout. Aesthetically I enjoy Silvermoon more, it’s brighter and the music compliments it better. Stormwind music is a little annoying after a while.

My favorite smaller town will have to be Darkshire. I don’t normally like the darker themed zones but darkshire is so full of mysteries!

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Darnassus and the Dwarf towns up in Twilight Highlands

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Ironforge for capitals, and Bloodhoof Village for small towns.

I always liked Shattrath too. It had a lot to offer and I wish we’d gotten to see it in it’s true glory without any sort of infestation or destruction as a capital city at any point.

For horde ogri because lok’ta

For alliance theramore because its no longer there