What are your favorite forum topics?

Mine too! It’s also the main selling point of Shadowlands for me is her story!


Hehe also anything Blood Elf / Void Elf related and I am extremely pro High Elf by reasons of how much I love Sin’dorei and I see how much High Elf fans love Quel’dorei!

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I like arguing with pvpers, and talking about game balance. I have many ideas but the devs don’t care.

This one, totally one with Adele :+1:

Currently the Transmog Roast thread.
I always smile when that gets bumped to the top.

I don’t know my favorite type of thread but this is a great thread. Good job OP!

I like the fun threads. Lore Threads. Allied Race Ideas threads. Music Threads. Other Threads about most wanted races for wow (yanno those threads that seem to never end).

I like topics about game syste or class design discussions. It’s always fun to analyze and find positives/negatives.

GD Lounge
Marry/Divorce the player
Fun questions
Gaming tips/tricks/builds
Anything Social
Anything Controversial

I love seeing art threads like this one for example.

There are a lot of talented people on the forum. :art:

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Pineapple on pizza an expose!!!

Aww I missed out on that. I would’ve loved seeing my adorable vulpera drawn.


Hawkens beat me to it so… does the draining toilet swirl descend out of the thread

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:octopus: and :ghost: topics.

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Yeah we can tell.

I like discussion about the mysteries of the Shadowlands themselves and the hints that have been given throughout the past couple years. For example: Jörmungandr.

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I would have loved to keep doing them, too! I just lost the availability of time to do more. Maybe I might get back to do some more in the future… hopefully…

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This. And cookies, chili fries and little pets.



The meme threads, and much to my own dismay, I do quite enjoy a good troll thread from time to time.

Waiting to read one of your post glorifying Sylvanas of course :wink:

I may need to apply that same level of dedication to Yrel when we see her again :smile:


I am a hard core supporter of Sylvanas and I love Lilith’s threads.

But I love the fact you love Yrel.

I am also a hard core Maiev fan, I wish there was some dedicated Maiev love the way we see for my Banshee Queen!

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Probably the Horde is better than Alliance threads

Alliance has a massive inferiority complex