What are your favorite forum topics?

Worldbuilding topics - anything that asks questions about the world, its cultures and is metaphysics to explore tidbits of lore I might not have noticed/remembered or to feed my imagination about what might be happening between quests or just beyond the edges of the map. Exploring ideas of how to resolve “plot holes”.

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I like the “Havoc isn’t overpowered” threads, and the “I’m not getting Ashjra’kamas because I’m a snowflake” threads.

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Yes, and yes…


of course nothings better than applebear surprise hu-
/suddenly tackle hugged

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An Apple [hug] a day keeps the doctor away…

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Meanwhile in the legion of hospital!

Docter: DANGIT! That panda has ruined our plans!

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Bit of this and bit of that. I like being silly in divorces, serious in roleplay, light-hearted in suggestions and tips, investigative in theory and discussions, brutal in logic and random in my own topics. Just my way. If I played two different topics exactly the same way (and I mean two topics that are nothing near the same theme), then I’m not being true to myself.

Lore discussions.

Alliance High Elves

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Negativity, politics, troll posts, pedantry, and self deprecation.

Any thing Mortis posts because he flusters the DH’s and I find it funny(I have no issue with DH’s btw), any thing & every thing involving DK’s & Lore related topics especially if I’m unfamiliar with the lore in said topic. Also like complaint threads because they get amusing.

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The High Elf Love Thread. Unfortunately, some people have love phobia or elf phobia and mass flag it.

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laughs in panda, “Who do they think they are messing with?”

Next time we pass by there, let’s shoot the doors with your egg launcher.

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My favourite topics would get me suspended but I like to talk with others about what’s going on in the real world as well as ingame.

Regular eggs, or the chocolate eggs like cream filled one with enough sugar to put you in a coma?

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I enjoy the WoW confession threads and the “noob things you did” threads. Some of the stories are hilarious, and many are so relatable.


Which would be worse? Regular?

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It has pretty much already been said several times but anything not directly relating to the game and its mechanics is relatively great to me.

well the regular probably feel icky and smell if not cleaned, same for the other part.

But one leaves a sticky texture and attracts ants

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“Hey you, you’re finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that IMperial ambush. Same as us, and that thief over there.” My favourite posts are the ones that I can freely meme within. i.e. not serious ones like the “WoW is P2W” ones. Also GD Lounge is super fun!