Depends what I feel like, what day of the week it is and if I have a theme going. My fire panda mage rides firey flying mounts(Pureblood Fire Hawk, Flameward Hippogryth, Archmage’s Prismatic Disc, Volanic Stonedrake, Ashes of Al’ar) while my Nightborne Arcane magic has arcane based flying mounts(Arcmage’s Prismatic Disc, Arcanist’s Manasaber, Violet Spellwing). Some toons ride special drops they gets like my assassin goblin rogue rides experiment 12-B, which happened to drop for her when I was doing a Dragon Soul run. My Warlock also has a fun theme, mounts she’s bent to her will. ( The Warsteads, Twilight drake, Dark Phoenix, Headless Horse Mount, Dreadstead, Onyxian Drake, Corrupted Fire Hawk) Some toons I have problems matching to mounts, like my warrior. She rides a Nether Drake. So again, what day is it, what am I playing, is there a full moon, ect. I spend way too much time matching mounts to toons and those are my favorites at that moment in time.
Other alts depends on race. I love drake’s and timereaver, fel steel annihilator insurrection story line mount from suramar. This toon I love my sky golem and racial mount also other mounts that were built for goblin/gnome ingenuity
I guess I am boring but I like something that is small and compact. Headless Horseman is a good one. I use my two seater rocket I got back during a refer a friend promotion during either WOTLK or CATA sometimes.
Myself ofc
I use the flying disk, for all my many characters. You stand on it while it flies, like the silver surfer.
I like it because there are NO FLAPPING WINGS taking up most of my screen.
The JC panthers. All five colors.
The three moose.
X-53 eXtreme, the two player rocket that was a reward from Recruit-a-Friend way back when.
I usually duo with a friend and having any two player mount on my button bar is a great help (the chopper stays on my bar, as well). The bad news, no flying in some zones; but the two player utility of the X-53 is still there, it just loses something having to hug the ground limping with the turkeys and not soaring with the eagles.
This is exactly why I love mechanical mounts and want MOAR in the game. =D
Best mount, hands down, is the broom mount from Halloween. Instant cast, compact, no large wings to get in the way, etc. Did I say instant cast?
After that is the X-51 Nether rocket for the same two reasons as above: 1) crude, bumpy and 2) compact.
I really love the Grand Gryphon and Grand Wyvern mounts. I really like that they gave the classic flying mounts some love with a new model.
Mekineers chopper, sandstone drake, winged nightmare, oh and when on new character, the chauffeur chopper.
And ofc, headless horseman mount.
I have a soft spot for my Green Proto Drake.
Also love they Onyixa mount, Netherwings (all of them), and Life-Binder’s Handmaiden.
I like my drakes, but Vitreous Stone Drake holds a special place in my heart because it is my first mount from a drop.
Flight form also wins.
I really like my Undercity Plaguebat, Teldrassil Hippogryph, and Sandstone Drake.
Netherwing Drakes.
Depends on the character, for this guy I use the class mount, although I wish it talked a bit less. A lot of dragons, especially the drake of the south wind. Smaller mounts that can land, like the pig, birds, horses when I’m doing quick movements. Love the cloud serpents and the rogue ravens, although I wish they had a way to land. I use a lot of ground and flying mounts overall though, both of my action bars on the right are full of them on all of my characters.
Blazing Hippogryph for sure
I like this one too. One of my favorites but! I wouldn’t say no to an update for it
Yeah, it’s definitely beginning to look rather dated!
I like the flying dinosaur mounts, that sunreaver dragonhawk mount, that vampire bat from the pre bfa event, and the demon hunter class hall mount.
Pandaren phoenix.