What are your favorite and least favorite changes in SoM?

Here are mine

My favs:

  1. No WBs (so nice)
  2. The fresh experience
  3. No boosting
  4. Slightly faster leveling
  5. Faster pace is nice
  6. Blizzard is actually handling bots and gold buyers

Things I don’t like:

  1. Harder raids (not really needed since no WBs)
  2. BGs and ranking at release (very bad decision)
  3. T0.5 gear at release (rogues super OP)
  4. Ranking changes and ranking system in general
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World buffs should be in game.


Didn’t you pick up alchemy for your consumes along with engineering?


Also players should not be able to display gear in their avatar that they got after PvP rewards were nerfed lol


Is that a SoM change?

Honestly I don’t care.
They can be in the game and people can choose to use them or not.
If they are in the game they should also be fair game for dispel.
Not sure I care for the chronoboon but I get that people that want to play their main and not log to hold a buff are helped by it. I like that it keeps people in the world so for now I’m okay with it.

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Were you ganked and purged that much?

Who hurt you, show us on the ugly female gnome doll.

I can see the no WB decision has cause you a lot of grief. No need to lash out at others over it.

No general gnome hate.
Keep it personal. :laughing:

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I love me some world buffs. Love getting em, selling em, coordinating with the guild to get them.

Chronoboon from the get go would be ideal and help with the anti-world buff cry babies.

Deflect, deflect, deflect…

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

I doubt future versions of SoM will have WBs.

I doubt future SoM lmao


Ok, people don’t believe the earth is round. Turns out they are wrong too.

What will you do if there is only Classic Era left?

How will your survive in a guild that need you to get world buffs?

Cool, when did they announce this? Oh right, they haven’t…

Why are you here?
I asked you a legit question about why you dislike the harder raids. What’s the harm in answering. I mean I guess you are bent about the world buff thing but try not hyperfocusing.

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Classic isn’t about hard raid content. It is about being social and easier raids are better for this function. If you want harder raids you can play retail.


Did you skill alchemy and engineering?
Or is that too maxi for you?

I think he is still having Vietnam flash backs when he was forced to get world buffs in Classic.

W.B. P.T.S.D.