One of my friends and I were talking about what his characters are ICly doing in TWW right now (the one he’s not leveling yet is ICly missing after the Dalaran crash and the one he’s running through content is frantically looking for the missing one).
It made me think - just what are my characters doing/thinking right now?
Kirsy is pissed. She liked Khadgar and is angry that she survived the Dalaran attack but he didn’t. She’s running through the new zones, looking for a way to reach Knafu-Waifu because she’s going to throw everything she’s got at her. Reasoning with her right now probably wouldn’t work. She’s pretty single-minded in wanting some kind of grief-fueled vengeance.
Larisi is just in it for the money. Oh…new land? Where’s the profit? Can we steal stuff and if so, will it be noticed? Or what about setting up a long-term grift? She doesn’t really care about Dalaran because she had nothing staked there. She ICly hasn’t met any of the big heroes and doesn’t know Khadgar is even missing. Nobody talks to gnomes who wander off from the crash site. She’s finding her way around right now, not paying attention to the plots.
What is everyone else’s characters doing ICly now that we’re here?
Vanndrel left his farm in Stormsong Valley in the care of his old Argent Crusade page (Now a full Paladin) and answered Admiral Proudmoore’s summons for Alliance soldiers to head to this new land. IC, Vanndrel wasn’t on Dalaran. Didn’t really know anyone on Dalaran, but as a survivor of Theramore he understands the pain the survivors are going through.
He’s currently being weirded out by the inhumanity of the Earthen while trying to be useful. He figures the year he spent in Northrend after Arthas’ defeat will serve him well in fighting against the Nerubians, even if these aren’t undead.
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I haven’t figured out Juspion just yet since there’s a guild event we are doing next week. Yet, I am picturing him surfing down to the Isle of Dorn on falling rubble yelling YEEHAW in Draenei.
Incomplete wasn’t traveling with Dalaran so she would have arrived by her own means. I RP that she is part of an underfunded wing of the Royal Apothecary Society that studies the Titans so she probably scraped up some cash money to pay for passage to the isles.
She’s probably wandering around the surface, asking Earthen invasive and annoying questions and may or may not be filing gem pieces off inert Earthen when no one is looking. ITS FOR SCIENCE!
After getting citizens evacuated from Dalaran and through the chaos of getting off the beach, my character finally has a moment to catch his breath. For a monk who mostly keeps his emotions in check, he’s quite surprised at how effective, and more importantly, how endearing a leader Moira has become. Underneath all of that though, something just doesn’t feel balanced about these Edicts he keeps hearing about.
Also, after meeting the Earthen, he’s not ashamed to admit that he’s thankful for the Curse of Flesh.
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Trying to avoid getting caught up in all the dwarf drama and otherwise ignoring yet another case of “a big bad about to murder the woooooorld” because after a few dozen times, there’s just no f’s left to give about it for most of them.
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The same thing they do every xpac, Pinky, try and take over the world!
My Velf Hunter Soren’dial was in Dalaran. Ironically he had just joined a Dalaran based neutral guild. We haven’t started the guild storyline yet so people can play the new content. But I have plans for him to make his way to Azj-Kahet and hunt down the Void empowered Nerubians. He will want to be close by to help take on Xal’atath’s shenanigans.
My Velf Shadow Priest was not on Dalaran, but is going to have inexplicably shown up when it fell anyway. He’s going to make his way to Hallowfall and help the Arathi study Beledar, especially when it shifts, and will make people suspicious when he disappears, also into the Bug Pit to try and figure out what is going on long term.
My Dracthyr was in Dalaran trying to find a mage to teach him more about his Blue Flight abilities, and he’s going to mostly stay in Dornogal helping the Earthen and the survivors of Dalaran. I need to workshop him some more.
I could keep going, but I have lots of ideas and lots of characters and need to ruminate first. I’m trying to limit my characters I ICly do anything with to 5, and the ones I actively RP to 3, for time purposes haha.
Way back when, I’d want to figure out where my characters were for every event. It was needlessly inflexible.
These days, I basically play Enekie as being somewhere–drunk, high or passed out–and either needing to enlist in the latest nonsense to pay for her numerous vices or The Hangover-ing herself into the latest campaign.
Is she in the SW alley with hamburger guy?
Lamenting that the Horde is again shafted in the storyline. When will Tauren see some love?
I feel like she’s kind of like some kind of stray cat and you can find her napping in uncomfortable places and stores on high shelves.
What, Baine getting beaten up, thrown around and nearly killed in almost every expansion doesn’t count?
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Ah, I don’t quite know yet, the expansion has only just begun and my guild’s main campaign kicks off this Saturday, which will be set in Dalaran when **** hits the fan timeline wise.
Calnos, since the events of the last major campaign has been in a depression. The intense trauma he endured going through the Timeways and the actions he took there have haunted him, and he’s been trying to distance himself from the Fel. And yet, the Argent Vanguard’s response to the Radiant Echoes has pushed him to his limits. He’s forced to use a wand and sword for most of the time, he struggles to cast a Chaos Bolt when he does cave in, he’s estranged from his wife who’s a Shadow Priestess, and he’s lost his Voidwalker after a Radiant Echo of a weapon he once used burned him and blew up said Voidwalker (and a bunch of Raidant Echoes of enemies from a past campaign). As of the last event, he was in a hospital bed in Dalaran. He’s at his lowest point in a very long time.
He’s not going to have a good time.
An additional question is this: How OLD are your characters in TWW? Like at this point we’re what, +20 years out from Warcraft 3? Other than the elves and the Forsaken, some of our characters have to be getting pretty creaky. Especially if your character was already an adult at the start of WoW Vanilla. I mean Thrall’s kids are basically adults now, lol.
Unless you’re like me and saying that being exposed to so much magic, especially time magic, during the adventures that they’ve effectively become ageless and either age extremely slow or not at all now.
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See if I can get the Nerubians to make me some silk pajamas like.
Not that I’d ever wear pajamas.