What are your "can't miss" underrated leveling zones?

I’m leveling my alt and looking for a good area to quest in, are there any underrated zones that you think more people should quest in?

I personally liked the remake of the Badlands. Has some pretty cool dragon lore.

Eastern Plaguelands for Fiona’s questlines and her friends.





Tirisfal to the end of hillsbrad.

EPL and WPL.


Shadowmoon valley (Outland)


Any zone from wod tbh

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I always do Grizzly Hills in Northrend because we did a lot of camping in redwood parks when I was growing up, plus that music.

/moo :cow:

Loch Modan is amazing
Howling Fjord is really good

Deepholm, for Cataclysm. Have to fly though, so 30+.

Vash’jr is another gem. The questing is average but the underwater environment looks amazing on a modern PC.


Feralas because it has awesome quests and music!

Desolace because it was a rare zone to level in back in the day…so you come out with war stories and knowledge :nerd_face:

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I’ve done most zones of the years and can remember the main points of them or why we’re there… can’t remember why alliance is Desolace. I remember the CC having a quest hub. I agree about Feralas, I think that is a very underrated zone especially after its Cata remake and a good place for worgen lore which isn’t too common.

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I really liked Desolace because of the Centaur reputations and their lore (choosing sides)! Also Maraudon!

I just like Feralas because it has a very Zelda-esque theme to it…and Zelda changed my life :cupid:

Grizzly Hills

Horde: Tirisfal Glades and Silverpine Forest. Yeah, I am a sucker for Sylvanas/Forsaken Story back in Cataclysm era. It’s a great zone, great atmosphere and very organized quest hubs / storyline.

Alliance: Duskwood. Again, I absolutely love the atmosphere even if the quests are a bit too far apart. Also, it’s one of the most active zones 24/7 no matter the server. Great area to level always.

I genuinely have no love for Kalimdor, I’ve done it time and time again and never quite find a route I can actually fully enjoy.

I will also add for both factions STV. I love that place. I still religiously do all of my Nesigwary questlines. I just love them. I love doing them in STV, in Nagrand (Outland) and in Northrend.

I always do Northrend. I love that continent, even though it shows its age. Only Zone I avoid is Zul’Drak. Don’t care for it.

I played MoP till I puked, and still to this day I don’t care to do any quests that I don’t absolutely have to in that continent. I recognize its a great piece of art and is beautiful to fly around, but no thanks. Been there, done that. A LOT.

Never cared about anything in WoD.

I love highmountain in Legion.

BfA: Drustvar and Voldun.

SL: Bastion or bust.


Stonetalon had some fun Alliance v Horde quests.

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yessss, it looks fantastic now, especially if you have a big UW display. plus after running through hundreds of zones, Vashj’ir is definitely a unique experience.

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Gorgrond, easy, fast, and very enjoyable questing.

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I’d say Grizzly Hills, Drustvar, and Kun Lai Summit.

Un’goro. I liked it in vanilla, and I still like it. I liked all the crystals as well as feeding Dadanga back in the day, and nowadays I enjoy Maximilian of Northshire. He makes me laugh.


Blade edge mountains

I don’t know if these count as underrated.

I’ve always enjoyed Tanaris and Thousand Needles as long as you don’t mind the boat…

Winterspring is also a nice one.

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