What are you most excited for in TBC?

Not having to gather world buffs! Absolutely cannot wait for that lol. And horde paladins. I love tanking, but hate warriors in WoW for some reason.

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Mounting off my epic flying mount and killing low level nubs, then /violin and fly away.


Arena and it’s semi balanced PvP.

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Same here. I missed the old meaty dual wield stormstrike.

I didnt play an enhance shaman until wrath, so I am excited to main one. I mained a warlock (shadowbolt spam…shudder) thru TBC, so even though we are going back, it will be a new experience for me.

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Organizing several gank squads around Hellfire Peninsula to kill any boosted toon on sight will be quite fun

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-Removed World buffs
-Better Consumable management
-Meaningful raid progression
-Class/spec viability across all specs while keep each class distinct and flavorful
-Meaningful professions
-Competitive skill PVP (Arenas)
-Skill trees for all classes polished in comparison to vanilla and were the most flavorful in all
of wow history (opinion)

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I am excited to jsut play this version… I miss it…



Finally going Hunter all the way

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Boosts. Just because it aggravates the tryhards.
Originally didn’t care either way.

Fixed that for you

TBC was my favorite era in WoW. Mainly just looking forward to playing Draenei and Blood Elf again.

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For me it’s quite a lot of little things:

  1. better skill trees and more viable specs.
  2. flight.
  3. return to 5 man content/heroics
  4. a chance to change around characters and try different roles that I didn’t get to in classic.
  5. arenas.
  6. experience raids i skipped during original TBC because I mained a rogue.

Honestly I’m most excited for launch I want to re live the feeling I felt on classic wow launch.

This may be seen as a troll response but it is not intended as such.

I am most excited for fresh TBC servers without boost or cash shops…

I am not an anti-booster. Actually I am pro-boost. It is a mechanic that will bring more people into the game. More people into the classic project is a win for the classic project as a whole.

However, I fear how badly it will empower the bots.

I look forward to the new beginning. Making new friends and playing with many old friends - some of whom have not resubbed yet, and some of whom transferred to various different servers when our server (incendius) was offered free transfers and became overwhelmingly one-sided (currently 99%+ alliance - don’t believe me? check for yourself, lol)

I am NOT looking forward to giving up my geared toons, gold for epic fliers, consumes, bank alts full of transmutes and profession mats, etc… But I am willing to in order to join a community that is less likely to foster to gold buying.

Looking forward to the rep-grind… I am doing it in the TBC beta right now, but I am being super filthy-casual about it… When tbc launches for real I will be going full-on sweaty neck-beard. Looking forward to all the utility of the druid, in action, where it will matter since progress is kept.

Looking forward to the new memories friends and I get to share/craft together. Hoping for fresh servers because I feel the longevity of the server and the playerbase therein would be healthier.

Im excitied I wont have to level to 58! Leveling sucks in this game and is a waste of life. Prepared to pay! :slight_smile: :grin:

Everything? I’ve been crossing my fingers for TBC ever since Classic was announced, and getting to relive that content alone is worthy of all the excitement in the world for me.

But, of all the stuff I’m looking forward to, I think Blood Elves takes the cake. Not just the race itself, but the zones, dungeons and raids they bring along with them.

I am beyond excited for pre-patch to start leveling my Blood elf priest :smiley:

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