I’m looking forward to new content, hope it’s not all hamster wheel grinds for new currencies.
Being adventurers once again! And dragonriding!
be dargun
Same. I am already imagining spending all of my downtime crafting stuff.
Why would your ‘excited for the expansion’ list consist of getting rid of all the hindrances of the old expacs and an older version of talent trees that you already had baseline? It’s the definition of getting nothing and being happy that’s all you got. Fact of the matter is Blizzard brings nothing new to the table and still fall short with this “falling with style” momentum flight they stole from GW2.
The Ducks!!!
Also, the return of the talent tree.
& The dragon race looks interesting.
being a dragon training my dragon… just dragons, btw… if you read in more detail they are bringing back to covenant system… (love dragons just love them) and getting 10 more levels.
The Shilling Babe reporting:
Everything. And want to see more of Rockbae… but don’t kill him please!
Talent trees, a new class, new areas to explore, crafting overhaul, and new pets to find.
Oh, and never having to go back to SL.
Looks like there’s no pathfinder because there’s no flight. There’s “dragon riding” but not flight as we know it. Hard pass on that for me then.
Yep, because Blizzard has never lied about content, features or the game in general and the ‘lead devs’ are always upstanding members of the community… Remember that aerial combat that was advertised on the physical box for Wrath? Yeah, we’re still waiting…
Again, I’ll believe it when I see it. They might not be as noticeable or as heavy-handed as BfA and SL but I would be genuinely amazed if they actually have no borrowed power. I’m not sure this design team is capable of that.
Oh, they 100% are now. In some cases, they’re worse but lets not pretend that old talent trees had “options”. Realistically in TBC my choices are whether to put 1, 2 or 3 talents in lock-rocks.
Look, I’m hopeful that Blizz will succeed. I’m all for that, and desperately want the retail version of the game to be good, but after so many years of humdrum I’m not expecting it. I’ve been around long enough to know that what Blizz promises and what we’ll get are two different slices of cake.
I get to delete Bartender. I hate having to use mods; I want to use mods.
This expansion does seem really promising with the evoker and drakthyr. The theme of dragons in general is pretty awesome.
Then you have wrath of the lich king classic, and the first thing you see is the zombie undead dragon thingy, and it is like dragon-ception. At least we can ride some of the dragons, like the red dragon, the proto dragons, and i probably won’t have the patience for the undead dragon achieve. But i will probably snag a red drake and a violet proto drake.
Hey Guys I liked this Topic so much I created a Blizzstore Mount Giveaway on the same topic! Its for this weekend only!