What are you listening to now? V5 (Part 1)


I’m sorry to disappoint, but I think the beatles were overrated.

that’s out there for sure good one! lol

“I disagree, but we are all entitled to our own opinion.”


As a trans guy this cover of Reflection always gets me in the heart


RIP Pete Burns. That dude was legendary.

He was on Celebrity Big Brother in the UK back in, I dunno, 2006? I can’t remember if he won, but it was a hell of a watch. He was in at the same time as Dennis Rodman. Man, I miss that show

But hey, we have The Circle now. Eh, I digress

He then became a big part of the companion show, Big Brother’s Bit on the SIde, and was a panel regular there until he got banned from TV, or at least just Channel 5, in perhaps 2010.

And believe me, it’s really hard to get banned from a Big Brother companion show that aired at 11pm or midnight in the UK. You can pretty much say or do anything you want, including nudity and the foulest of foul language, which were regularly included on both the main and companion shows. Big Brother was a much, much different beast in the UK.

So yeah, he got banned from something like that. I can’t even get into why LOL.

I miss Pete though, he was a unique dude.

And to keep it on-topic, the BBUK theme, by Paul Oakenfold and Andy Grey, called “Go”:

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Maybe my favorite CSNY song:


Oh my love
I wish that we could start all over
I’m so gone
I really want to love again

Cause I know
If it’s real
No one else could understand

Take me back
Make me feel
Make me real
I’m so gone

Oh my love
I wish that we could start all over
I’m so gone
I feel like I’m half way there

Cause I know
If it’s real
No one else could understand

Take me back
Make me feel
Make me real
Make me feel
I’m so gone
Make me real
I’m so gone

Oh my love
I wish that we could start all over
I’m so gone
But I really want to love again

And I really want to start all over
Really want to love again

Really want to start all over
Really want to love again

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There’s something so satisfying just singing “ARCHANGELOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO”

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This too. I would love to get the artwork on this tattooed on my arm as a sleeve. But my arms are too stick thin so it might have to wait til I eventually transition and start working out more to get some meat on the bones.

yes I’m aware I can do that now but the testosterone would help


I wish this anime would hurry up already and get on US Netflix. Same with Dorohedoro.

I’d rather support it on netflix and give it attention there instead of cheat and use other websites.


Red Dead Redemption 2 has some of the best ambiance music in gaming.

This is one of the most beautiful songs about love I have ever heard.


If the sun refused to shine,
I would still be loving you.
When mountains crumble to the sea,
There will still be you and me.

Kind woman, I give you my all.
Kind woman, nothing more.

Little drops of rain
Whisper of the pain.
Tears of love lost in the days gone by.

My love is strong,
With you there is no wrong.
Together we shall go until we die.

My, my, my.

An inspiration’s what you are to me.
Inspiration, look, see.

And so today my world—it smiles,
Your hand in mine, we walk the miles,
Thanks to you it will be done,
For you to me are the only one.

Alright, yeah

Happiness: no more be sad,
Happiness: I’m glad.

If the sun refused to shine,
I would still be loving you.
Mountains crumble to the sea,
There will still be you and me.

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I forgot one

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Never really listened to this band but a character in my head sorta popped up in my thoughts and got me thinking of this song.

They’re the dad of my Tiefling I play in DnD. They end up secretly the patron of my character. Masquerading as a celestial patron. ( Flavor wise would have included stuff like his healing spells feeling hotter than usual or burn scars after he revives someone from death )


Something a bit hippie jazzy jammy dancy. :dancer:


Right outside this lazy summer home
You ain’t got time to call your soul a critic no
Right outside the lazy gate of winter’s summer home
Wondering where the nut-thatch winters
Wings a mile long just carried the bird away

Wake up to find out that you are the eyes of the world
The heart has it’s beaches, it’s homeland and thoughts of it’s own
Wake now, discover that you are the song that the morning brings
But the heart has it’s seasons, it’s evenings and songs of it’s own

There comes a redeemer, and he slowly too fades away
And there follows his wagon behind him that’s loaded with clay
And the seeds that were silent all burst into bloom, and decay
And night comes so quiet, it’s close on the heels of the day

Wake up to find out that you are the eyes of the world
The heart has it’s beaches, it’s homeland and thoughts of it’s own
Wake now, discover that you are the song that the morning brings
But the heart has it’s seasons, it’s evenings and songs of it’s own

Sometimes we live no particular way but our own
And sometimes we visit your country and live in your home
Sometimes we ride on your horses, sometimes we walk alone
Sometimes the songs that we hear are just songs of our own

Wake up to find out that you are the eyes of the world
The heart has it’s beaches, it’s homeland and thoughts of it’s own
Wake now, discover that you are the song that the morning brings
But the heart has it’s seasons, it’s evenings and songs of it’s own