What are you listening to now? V5 (Part 1)

Weird. There must be more than one entry for the song. It happens occasionally if someone doesn’t tag something correctly.

Well it was also like. Right when the song came out so I’m sure people were still figuring it out.

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I’m on a Weird Al kick

I just adore how he writes the dialogue between the husband and wife.

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Some excellent melodic death metal from Australia. Vessels was one of my favorite albums of 2016, and this song was a great way to end it. 4:57 for ultimate headbang moment.

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I freaking blame an animation channel I follow for getting me hooked on this song

It even became a meme in this guys fanbase. That bit where Whittaker goes “I drank the water!” is now a running joke because the artist streamed him animating and it was at that part so that bit of the song kept playing as he was matching up the lip movements.

It morphed into “I DRANK THE WOTAH” because of the way the singer says it lol

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I was looking for songs to add to my DnD characters playlist. Revisited this gem and now IT WON’T LEAVE MY HEAD.


Aly & AJ - “Do You Believe In Magic”

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Fun dance remix of a Michael Jackson tune.

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Is it getting hot in here?

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I was at this show. Back then I used a lot of “medicine” to alleviate my social anxiety. That is not an option anymore. Today, and for the last 25 years this April 17th, I have been “medicine” free, so my anxiety is back. Just in case people are wondering how someone with social anxiety can go do such social things.

Anyway, how about some dancing hippie music?

This is the entire show, but I’m just referring to the first song…Shakedown Street, but feel free to listen to more if you want… :dancer:

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social anxiety is rough for sure it’s been a problem for me to the past month more so than usual anyway the song up top is one my guild played on discord because they know i was a bit down

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I consider heavy metal to be todays classical music. I would like to think that if the old masters were alive today, they would love this kind of music. I can just picture crazy a$$ Beethoven with that serious look that all the paintings show, listening to that song you posted, then suddenly a slight smile breaks and he starts headbanging! :rofl:

Yep, social anxiety sucks. My old therapist is not available anymore but she gave me some great references, so I’ll be looking into that. As bad as I appear around here now, should have seen me twenty years ago about the first few years of my sobriety. I…was…a…mess…could barely leave the house to mail a letter without getting scared.

…but now…

Hang in there, this too shall pass. :heart:

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funny thing about that i use to like opera and classical music and now just look at me lol so i think of myself as crazy a$$ Beethoven :stuck_out_tongue: or some kinda heavy metal metamorph version

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Go to 1:45 that’s when the music kicks off.

I doubt my carpal tunnel will allow me to play DMC5 so I’m just getting my fix thru its soundtrack.