What are you favorite Ground Only mounts?

I love talbuks.


The Dreadsteed, of course.

Edit: Back in TBC, I got a talbuck. For my tauren druid. It was HILARIOUSLY huge. Other characters could walk completely under it without hitting the legs or belly. I couldn’t fit through anything resembling a doorway, of course, but it was still worth it.


My lucid nightmare is on most of my character’s bars. It’s those cute little hoof prints that get me. :purple_heart:

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Gronnling. Was the largest mount in the game until Long Boi showed up!


Edit: Foxes are a close second.

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Deathcharger, mammoths, and lucid nightmare

Gladiator mount :smiley:

Mount that I actually have:
I ride the dark iron racial mount a lot lol its a nice size

Winterspring Frostsaber when you had to actually earn it by doing a month or more of rep grinding.
Swift Spectral Tiger
Kor’kron War Wolf

the epic paladin charger is imo, one of the best looking mounts in the game.

also, when you compare it to more modern horses, or even the legion paladin mount, you can really see how the art style has changed.

I’m still using the “7 day” bug, from the silithus event:

I’m down to 4 days of use.

Many people did not seem to know that it was PLAYED, as in you PLAYED for 7 days. In spite of what it says, it doesn’t “go back into its burrow” after 7 real time days.

So you can use that thing for 168 hours of you playing.

I like it because I still don’t have the one from archaeology.


The Worgen “Running Wild” form, at least on the males (never played a female Worgen, so couldn’t say one way or the other). I’m really scared it will be “improved” into losing its charm in the same way so many running animations were “improved” when they upgraded the character models.

And call me weird, but I liked the bouncy wolf animation from Warlords that everyone complained about until it was removed. I wish we had both that and the current animation for different wolves.

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There is only one, Turbostrider. BigBad’s Turbostrider.

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The chopper from WotLK. Worked hard for that thing. Was royally pissed when Blizzard got rid of the sound of it moving because some people went “QQ I don’t know how volume works”

White War Talbuk

Nightborne manasaber!

My Gronnling. Sadly I don’t really play DK much anymore.

I love ground mounts and it’s hard to put a finger on a single favorite. Here are some of mine:

The coursers.
Legion Midnight
Legion Talbuks
Amani War Bear
Infernal Direwolf
Frightened Kodo. My dwarf stops traffic on this mount. I get asked all the time where I got it.
Swift Shorestrider
Flametalon/Voidtalon/Feltalon. I think these mounts are so pretty and I use all three on three different alts.
Frostshard Infernal
Warlord’s Deathwheel

I’m gonna chime in too with my Lucid Nightmare, I kinda feel like I earned that one, as I wandered lost that first night we found the labyrinth and I was puzzling it out with everyone else not just following someone else’s instructions.

I know it’s not technically a grounded only mount, but I use it for all situations (and it’s a good looking grounded mount) and that’s my Wrathsteed.

Raven Lord