What are you bougee for?

I’m cheeky for organic soaps, I love collecting them and picking which one I’m going to use at any given time.

So what’s your bougee pleasure?


Like stuff to be somewhat snobbish about? Or picky?

I used to get that with with lil horror movie action figures / statues.

Neca for example. Cool models. Nice detail. But holy heck they break easily.

Or like if there’s a Nightmare Before Christmas thing I want I prefer Jack when he’s in his halloween form more than when he’s Sandy Claws.


Light preserve me.


My Airfryer is more expensive than the computer I use to play WoW


Heck I even had the urge to purchase some of the shiny math rocks when I played DnD online with lil digital dice rolls lol


I don’t think I’m capable of being a thin surgical instrument used to explore and dilate the body, for something. Someone maybe, but not something

Oops, typo :smiley:

I paid $30 for a set of gold and green metal dice, and it took them six weeks to ship from China, right at the start of Covid, like in February 2020. They were two weeks late for my husband’s birthday.

I found out later that I could have got a very similar set for half that price off Amazon.


Skincare and scented candles.

I don’t really have anything. I live cheap. I went through a phase around 15 years ago where I was constantly buying dvds, and around 5 years ago I got into buying figurines and collectibles and whatnot. But then once the realities of keeping lots of stuff, and more importantly keeping it clean set in, it all lost its appeal. These days I’m trying to get rid of stuff. Stuff sucks.


Honestly, nothing i can think of. I’m a very practicality first guy.

I bought my first car that had working AC and heated seats 3 years ago and i felt like i had finally made it.


Shampoo and conditioner.

Spoiler, don’t really have any hair.

The shine brings all the girls to the yard.

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I bought my husband an expensive set of dice for Christmas this year for DnD. They’re beautiful, no regrets.

As for myself, I collect salt n pepper shakers lol. They’re not expensive, and I barely use them… I just think they’re cute and fun.

I can’t afford to be ‘bougee’.


Meh its all about priorities. Can think of a handful people i know who don’t make much money but have huge car payments, or a $4k gaming pc or are drowning in funko pops.

Camping & hiking gear. I’ve been camping and hiking my entire life and the industry is in such a good place for outdoor enthusiasts that I can choose to be very picky about all of my equipment.


Food and fishing equipment.

Nothing, maybe if I ever become rich in the future :laughing:

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tech stuff… i cant just get the chinese cheap knock off, its gotta be something good! …thats made in china… like ill only use ASUS mobo’s in my builds, asrock or gigabyte? pfft… for peasants!