What are we hoping for with totemic?

They did mention possibly new totems when discussing totemic as well as our totems having additional effects, so as possible future Totemics; what are we hoping to get? I’m personally hopeful for powerful temporary buffs depending on the totem we drop.
Fire - flat damage/healing buff
Earth - defensive buff
Water- maybe a cooldown reduction?
Wind - only one I’m unsure of

Of course this would mean they would have to reintroduce fire totems as well, which im not completely against to be honet.

I cannot emphasize enough how much I do not want to be encouraged to burn utility spells for throughput buffs.


I found
youtube. com/watch?v=q9N2foaAClk&ab_channel=Tiqqle

I dont know whats gonna be kept or not but from first glance im really liking I and I kinda wanted that for I think its gonna be fun for resto.
For Enhance having a totem casting Ele blast for you will give lots of free stats

The main thing I really love is finally having healing rain as a totem. Its huge

I have the lowest of the low expectations for totemic.

Just the sound alone is dreadful, a spec rotating around totems sounds like total trash.

If there is one thing i’m hoping for is for a significant re design of how totems work, if they were to follow you around it would be more bearable, and no health, they just float around you and provide you buffs.