What Are Warcraft Dragons To You?


Just more meat for the grinder.

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Dragons would get absolutely annihilated if they were wild and attacking folks

For me it’s the entire “Superman” syndrome that is a turnoff for me.

When someone or something gets too many abilities or is set up to be too good so they have an answer to most anything, it’s boring.

Superman has this issue, Druids in this game do as well, along with Dragons in WoW.

Oh oh Dragons are super smart.
And and they live so long it’s basically forever!
Oh and don’t forget, they can change into ANYTHING!
And I almost forgot, they can TIME TRAVEL!!
And OMG they can cure the plague with their breath!!!
They also have magic that is just for them, nobody else can learn it!!!
And just by hanging out with them, you start to become like them!!!

And so on…


I mean if one dragon had all these abilities then yeah that’d be boring. That’s why its all split up into different flights

Having a wild personality do not means they will attack everyone. Dragons can be friendly but without being over emotional, philosophical and polite.

But even if they go superwild still a good thing, this is what many people want, to fight a badass angry dragon.

Their appeal (to me) has always been that they are old master super shapeshifters with powers that borderline bend the laws of the universe it is in (Life has plague curing breath, Magic can quite literally control the power of the leylines and channel the lifeblood of the world like Malygos tried, Time is time magic don’t think there needs to be an explanation there and the greens have control over a different plan of reality on the world.) When you saw them there was always going to be some magical marvel or event happening nearby like the blue’s voting a new aspect into power in Cata with the eclipse, the red dragons at the wrathgate, Malygos and his anti-mage regime, green drakes and the emerald dream.

I don’t think of them as traditional dragons because they just aren’t, blizzard often breaks fantasy traditions. Like making a race called high elves mana addicts for example instead of a benevolent better human. They are a great representation of Warcraft through it’s cons and pros. They have a great amount of that fantasy touch and mystique while also having the touch of warcraft.

It’s weird to say playable dragons couldn’t be a thing when we’re out here killing a literal god.
It’d have worked just fine.

I’d have liked being a young dragon heading out into the world to learn, help, and grow.

They are nothing to us god-killing murder-hobos.

But they are HIGH elves…of course they’re addicts :wink:

I don’t think it is weird at all. But I dislike marketing ploys like this. Blizzard is to try and gain back subs and they know that people have a love of dragons.

Their utility as mounts, specifically, their ability to make the mount counter in collections go up.