What Are Warcraft Dragons To You?

There definitely seems to be an upper ceiling to how far people are willing to deviate from “pretty perfect human variant” in the character they play. Just look at Zandalari vs. Darkspear, or the back and forth between players and devs on the worgen models back during the Cataclysm beta where the players steered things away from a more feral look. Now there’s even calls for “undead” that are just humans with gray skin tones.

If I were in charge of the design of the Dracthyr I think I’d lean into the dragon angle hard. Like, if you look these guys in the face you question if you’re looking into the eyes of a monster or a fellow sentient being.

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Warcraft Dragons are master shapeshifters. even beyond what Druids are. like apparently one became a tree. they take on mortal race appearance for convenience and to infiltrate their ranks. as such, i dont see why the dragon experiments wouldn’t be able to change what mortal race they appear as at a later point.

as for combat, well, currently much of the Evoker makes sense combat wise. its the combat utility and tools granted in that form. and generally thats fine imo.
however, there are other creative ways to get around it. like how DH wings may only come out when needed. so someone wanting to fight while only looking like their human form could work.

personally i would want to use the amazing dragon form.

Dragons seem more physical combat oriented with some ranged abilities. given that they are a combination of all 5 aspects them being engineered to be more caster oriented seems fine.

i could see a 3rd spec being made that incorporated the abilities of other classes as their spec specific tree while keeping their core dragon portion of the tree.

such a spec would be amazing option wise. it would prob also be very complicated.

but BUT that could give them such combat visuals as using a sword and or shield. a spear or ranged weapon.

a dracthyr warrior with evoker base abilities like a breath attack, wing buffet, and short range flight.

maybe a Dracthyr priest combining some holy spells in with their time magic.

A truly versatile hybrid. that is at least what i think they were intended to be when they were created.

can a failed creation reach a point to where they succeed in reaching or growing to attain those expectations?

as for the dragon visual. it could use more Options in terms of build types. i like how they look now but i have see other edits that people have done that also look quite good.

in terms of armor, Dragons dont need armor however, they often have armor as accents or flare. so having both visual options would be good. getting the armor system to work on the dragons would give a large array of customization to them. but at the same time, it would feel odd if they had to always use that armor system when most dragons dont.

maybe if the barber shop is where the hide/ show toggle is for the dragon specific items also had a toggle for the transmog show/hide.

or maybe, even better would be for the transmog window to have a save xmog for human form separate for save xmog for dragon form. and there Dracthyr compatible xmog could be selected. extra hide sections specific to the Dracthyr pants because dragons dont need pants in the same way other races do. :face_with_monocle:

Now for worgen comparison. the Worgen has Running wild.
Druids have Flight form.
out in normal zones, Dracthyr SHOULD be allowed to activate a persistent flying ability sperate from the normal glide ability. maybe call it wild flying. or what ever.

i still think Dragons should have a tank spec. that visual makes sense imo. and maybe…
What if Druid Guardian got a Dragon appearance, simply for the sake of making that visual possible without needing to create a Dragon tank spec.

or maybe, Make a Dragon Black Flight focused Earth power tank. and have that added or unlocked much later into the game. maybe 10.1 or 10.2 or even 11.0
wouldn’t be the first time a class got a new spec

I would imagine a Dragon would draw a lot of aggro simply by existing. never mind all the Dungeon/ Raid bosses that are Dragons and often melee focused.

i also agree, we dont need more melee specs but a Tank isn’t taking a melee spot. it goes in a tank slot and there are not that many tanks when compared to dps or heals.

without it getting the tank options it makes tanks the lease numerous option. think it was something like 6 tanks 13 melee 12 range and 7 heals… if memory is working correctly :thinking:

also, also. i think Dragons should have a ground/ all four running dash attack with a sort of upper cut finish because i think that would look cool. :sunglasses:

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Fairy drag queens

I think they should allow players to fight in either form they want and if they have their flight ability to only have them switch when activated.

I kind of like the look of drakthyrs. If they give us different body shapes so I can create a fat blue one and call it Ord, naming it and creating it after the dragon from dragon tales.

I am happy with the new dragon race.

My problem with dragons comes with RPs, and now that we have a a non-busted lore wise dragon people, i tihnk they’re cool

they are failures

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I see dragons as an ancient and mighty culture where individuals each wield enormous power. If you want to call everything that fits that description an “elf”, so be it.

Clearly this person does not know the lore of WoW. The dragons are dragons who took on mortal forms so that they could interact with people. Can you imagine the damage that would have been done to the cities if they just kept their dragon form?

I don’t think there should be a dragon form for players and really there isn’t. They look more like lizards than warcraft dragons. But the developers are on a “we have to do it so we can recapture all those players who left” kick, so we are getting lizard people now.

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They are dragons that can shapeshift into Elves, Humans, Gnomes and even Tauren.

What’s appealing to me is I’ve always liked dragons. They look cool and there is a certain feeling of danger and beauty about them.

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Warcraft dragons are cool because, with the exception of Neltharion, they are the good guys. In most fantasy they are evil, so it’s a nice script flip.

“Dragons were never central”

You freaking use DEATHWING in Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness on the Horde Side on the final mission. I remember that because he was an absolute unit…with some sus pathfinding.

Also dragons being enslaved into the horde was a nasty surprise for the Alliance in Warcraft 2.

My reasoning for fighting in the humanoid visage forms is two-fold:

First, the Dracthyr model as shown so far is disproportional and subjectively unpleasant.
Second, more player agency in the way they play the game.

Gonna be honest. It’s the sexy sexy humanoid forms…

I’ve always been just “Ok” with WoW’s dragons, but your analysis is pretty spot-on. They don’t really feel like dragons.

Deathwing is a dragon. Smaug is a dragon. Alduin is a dragon.

Alexstrasza is a cosplayer. :man_shrugging:


Seeing a more complete version of evoker and dracthyr making use of the new flying mechanics might help that. The flying they showed off in the reveal looked great. We have yet to see dracthyr doing that.

They can drop loot.

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Guardians that observe the world in disguise not unlike the Istari. Thing is they didn’t have a spiteful Gremlin until recently who told them that men had to disguise themselves as Blood Elves, and women as humans.

That came later.

Honestly they don’t mean much to me.

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Honestly I’m fine with the new “dragons” since technically they’ve been in Warcraft lore for awhile now since they are what Deathwing has been trying to create since he went awol. Hell you can even see a big form of then in that cata raid with whats her face (one of Deathwings mates) looks almost like em.

My issue though is their human form shouldn’t have scales and should just ether be a human or BE like the other dragon aspects when they go to mortal form or w/e its called.

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the fact they’re big scaley beasts that breath fire, sleep-smoke, sand (wait, do bronze dragons breath sand? that’s weird…), magic, and… more fire.

i like dragons in WoW, cause they’re not just dragons, but intelligent dragons that don’t just wanna cook you and eat you, they wanna either help you, or backstab you before hand!

to word it nicely, i like WoW-dragons, cause they’re dragons. plain and simple.