What are three things you would like changed for WoW Classic FRESH and/or "Forever" servers?

I would like to see what three things people would change (if anything) if/when we get new WoW Classic F R E S H or “Forever” servers.

For me, it would be the following:

  1. World buffs would not be available in raids.
  2. Black Lotus would drop randomly from high level herbs.
  3. XP nerf to dungeons to prevent boosting (boosting destroys group play).

An honorable mention for better policing of bots… but I figure that should go without saying. Policing bots is already assumed. :wink:

That’s TBC design brought to wow classic. Sounds fun to me :slight_smile:

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Ban bots quickly instead of waiting 8 weeks for a ban wave which probably involves having more GMs or whatever actually watching the servers. That’s it.


Solo que rated WSG
The introduction of resilence, that way P5 & P6 gear don’t ruin PvP
With the currency you earn from rated WSG you can buy good off-pieces, that way you don’t get forced to raid
World PvP events where the winning faction gets to loot a chest that has plenty of potions and materials so PvE players get interested as well
Another thing that is neccesary is that you get your CDS reset whenever you enter a bg, it’s so stupid when you enter a bg and you can’t use some of the best engineering items the game has to offer

Exactly! :slight_smile:

They really need to think about making these changes. I would love to play fresh, but without these changes it will be tough to justify for me.

Like your ides OP.

mine added are:

  1. crowd control in any pvp (battleground or world) is limited to 8 seconds

actually that’s it. Your idea are some of the more critical ones. And other ideas I have too fundamentally change the feel of classic. (like remove some of the hit/crit pieces for warrior dps so they arent so dominant in phase 1-4 – and we get more class representation – note…i main a warrior dps).


Have all the specs that suck do a bit more dps, give prot Paladins a taunt and spiritual attunement.

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Active GM’s and actual policing the game with bots and gold sellers. That alone would have made Classic WoW 100x better.

The in-game report system and layering were scape goat low effort greedy business tactics to reduce the cost overhead at MAJOR detriments to game integrity.


Disagree. WBs are lost upon death, so it doesn’t really matter.

I would like to agree on something. I’ll agree to this point, but I’m not all too in favor for it.

Disagree. Even this late in the game, I’m finding the “right leveled” folks to run dungeons even WC (as Alliance, of all things). Boosting isn’t stopping me from going out and forming my own group.

I think Blizz is doing a decent job (on my Server, anyway). I received a “Thank You” in-game Message (yes, it was by Blizz) after reporting a VERY obvious Leveling Bot (because there’s all kinds of Bots out there, not just gold farming ones), out in Ashenvale. It was quite humorous watching their automated pathing be ruined by one of the trees, in Ashenvale. The bot would run into the tree for a few seconds. Stop, turn around, step forward 20 feet. Turn right or left about 5 feet, face the tree again, proceed forward just to run into the tree, again. I’m sorry, no human does this LOL

As far as my own personal 3?

  1. I kind of agree with Black Lotus being able to be picked from High Level Herbs, but I’d rather eliminate the Black Lotus Herb, itself (not the flower, but its spawn) and just have it be randomly picked from high level Herbs.
  2. Meeting Stones turned into Summoning Stones.
  3. The LFG listing (NOT LFD), but the listing to make recruitment easier.

The prices for training are somewhat inflated from original, or the coin received from vendor sales is deflated. I do not recall skipping on taking gryphon flights like I do now because 3 silver was just too steep due to upcoming skill costs. Even training all my skills back in the day allowed my bank to slowly increase although I did have to delay getting my first mount for about five levels. Now even as I approach 40 I can barely keep 2 gold available after paying the taxman.

well on my screen it says your level 12!

I know. This character is actually 18, but I play more than one. I just picked it as the posting character when I came back.

FYI, I barely kept 20 silver after training this character the last time.

ban people for bracket padding

Banning people for botting in BGs would be better, I remember your story. You benefited from the work of others.

against my will, i’d rather still be grinding for rank 14 today than have the participation trophy i ended up with

Update: Shortly after I wrote this, a bot report I submitted was successful. I received an in-game message saying thank you for my report. So, it is good to see some action taking place. Thank you, Blizzard!

Some level of customer service. I didn’t see any mention of that.

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