What are the top 5 dps spec with best survivability?

Just currious who excels in that department more.

What comes to my mind is retribution paladin and all 3 warlock specs but I am not sure what else

I’m pretty sure ret got a lot of nerfs to their passive defensives going into TWW… which is fair since they can hit with most of their abilities while standing out in narnia.

I know frost dk is super tanky for no apparent reason. Maybe warriors too, not sure about them.

  1. BM can do its entire rotation on the move, letting you kite or avoid mechanics

  2. Frost Mage has snares, shields, and immunity

  3. DK was extremely survivable but they got nerfed recently

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All 3 rogue specs probly
feint is kinda gross
Then the DK specs but they got nerfed recently so not sure

Ret and DK lead the charge on self-survival. Even with DK survivability being nerfed 11.1 I don’t see that changing.

Druids have a large number of self heals and can shift to bear to avoid otherwise lethal situations.

I’d put Hunters in there too: Self heal, 30% reduced damage x2, Fort of the Bear with the pet/Lone Wolf, turtle, pretty mobile and if all else fails laying on the ground like a slug is an awfully powerful defense.

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Holy Rogue

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what about the the top 5 dps spec with least survivability?

True. And we have nice defensives for burst damage. But whenever there is rot damage we’re stressing the healers lol.

For solo play and great DPS, a Beast Mastery hunter would be a good choice. The pet can tank for you while you kill stuff plus mail gear is decent protection.

Pally I do perfect on. So for me it is easiest to survive on. That would be my answer and so based on that I’m pretty sure different people are going to give you different answers here. The class that someone is best at and that is their fav will probably be the answer for the majority here.

I like BM Hunter & Destruction Warlock.

DK is still chunky. The only thing they did was nerf Rune Carved Plates slightly IIRC.

Unholy and Frost are still tanky af. Sanlayn Unholy has way more sustain than FDK though and you can consistently sac your Ghoul off CD.

Feral druid, ret pally and warlock imo. Actually frost DK pretty hard to die on too.

Rogues and mages

Mage unless you can’t slow, then it’s out the window. You have barrier and 2 ice blocks and that’s it.

Can’t speak to feral but Boomkin has all the survivability of a wet napkin. And yes you will be shifting into bear a lot and Well-Honed Instincts is a mandatory pick. If their dps made up for it it would be fine but it doesn’t.

In fact I run as Guardian more often then not because the reduction in dps going from Balance to Guardian isn’t really all that much compared to say a Frost DK going to Blood which is a large dps drop. And of course the Frost/Unholy DK’s don’t have survivability issues to begin with.

So OP looking for most survivable dps? Yeah Balance is right off the table.

A lot of dps these days have good survivabilty with decent defenses–hunter, mage, shaman, warlock–all good. It’s easier to say what doesn’t–in my experience, balance druid and frost dk, and occasionally my shadow priest. Only playing them three times a month doesnt help.

My frost dk needs a talent tree rework and that problem will probably go away.

Hope this helps!

Shaman are definitely a lot closer to the top of the list than they used to be.
I can livelord with the tanks for a pretty damn long time if that’s happening.
Stuff does eventually run out though.


alter time, mirror images, mass barrier, greater invis for arcane