What are the top 5 best dps healer in shadowlands 9.1?

I would like to know which healer can dish out a good amount of dps while healing besides disc

Well there are only 6 healing specs all-together, so I guess all of them would make the list except holy priest. I think the order would look something like this:

  1. Holy paladin
  2. Resto Shaman
  3. Disc priest
  4. MW Monk (fistweaver)/Resto Druid
  5. MW Monk
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Top 5? Aren’t there only 6 healer specs?

Well actually holy priest does more dps than disc if you only do dps (no healing) try yourself. Holyfire does alot of damage by itself. I would say:

  1. Disc priest (because you heal while doing dps)
  2. Holy paladin
  3. Holy priest
  4. Mw monk
  5. Druid
  6. Shaman

Depending how silly you are willing be with legendary selection and playstyle, all of them can do decent dam.

Like many Resto Shamans in arena run the earth ele legendary because it does a stupid amount of damage and is unkillable, in some contexts the extra damage is more valuable than the healing from something like Earthern Harmony.

Venthyr Holy Paladin is well documented and the playstyle in general encourages doing dam to heal.

Even Resto Druids can play feral affinity + voke legendary and do tons of damage. Lots of other combos besides these.

I would guess you’re asking based on the “BIS” raid setups or something. Poothe’s list might be right for that context.

Hpal and resto shaman are pretty closer on overall damage but have quite different damage profiles.

I also had a maldraxas resto druid the other day fo 5k overall which was pretty nice. Hadn’t seen one before so i think they are being slept on.
Although the buffs a resto druid can give when kyrian is hard to measure.

Honestly healer damage is less important than most people on here make it out to be though. Atleast until doing content higher than pretty much all of us will ever do anyway.

Anyone else wants to contribute with your wisdom :slight_smile:?

If we are talking mythic+, where healer dps is most important, Resto Shaman is king when Kyrian.

Holy Paladin is great as well.

After that I’d say the two priest specs, then druid then monk.

Depends, in pvp they can all be played competently enough to do good damage except mw

1- hpal, rsham have massive judgments/lava procs/covenant ability (all of pally, vesper totem for shaman), earth ele legendary which is a casual 100k-200k passive damage with infinite stuns for 1 minute

2- Disc and holy priest between mind blast/smite/penance/holy fire/purge the wicked/mindbenders just does a lot of damage over a game and gets rewarded for it. Honorable mention to boon of the ascended which is hilarious when it destroys unsuspecting people

2.5- Feral affinity rdruid with the 40% extra damage legendary is terrifying to watch

I saw one day a holy priest doing 3.1 dps in a mythic +0 boss and It was impresive. I have seen nothing like that among the other healers.

Most of the damage came from holy fire and mind games

well, Hpally dps got nerfed in 9.1 and is still the highest DPS raid healer by quite a bit. (to the point where venthyr holy paladin is actually a DPS class)

Can you tell me what I’m doing wrong then because I don’t do anywhere near dps levels of dps