What are the restrictions on cross faction party?

So, can you do dragon flight quests as the party and it’s counted? can you do random dungeons too? or how does that work?

A friend of mine is going through DF on an alt, i have alts ready to go too, but they choose there alliance character. I have 2 alliance characters ready but also like, 3 or 4 horde toons ready to go.

what are the restrictions if i level a horde toon with them? should i just stick to alliance?

Cross faction play only affects instances…raids and M+ right now. Even in party, your still enemies to each other hence the color orange. Heals and buffs will not affect them and vice versa in the open world.

Dang cowards, just let us group with players unless in war mode, why is this still a restriction?

Because they want to preserve that the alliance and horde’s history of being in opposition to the other. They also have to untangle every single quest in the game from being flagged alliance or horde only, same with how certain factions treat you like pandarias monkeys vs pandaria’s fish people siding with alliance or horde.

Since the game was designed with two opposite factions, it seems to be taking time to undo that. they are making strides towards it, for better or worse

No they don’t they could literally just let you do new zones together considering there is no horde and alliance story line. and keep restrictions in older zones. Like, i don’t think anyone is dying to do BFA or wrath as a cross faction party.

But DF has no separate story, so why not.

Cant do anything queueable or faction specfic.

I said why, because wow’s foundation and identity is alliance vs horde. They don’t want to completely remove wow’s identity.

Well, for starters, Alliance & Horde have different quests in most of the game’s content.

So they would need to reduce the quest variety and quest content.

I, for one, am opposed to reducing the amount of content in the game.

My roommate and I would like to do Trail of the Champion, Trial of the Crusader and ICC but cannot because “faction.” Same applies to Siege of Boralus.

just do it on a different character hello? it’s also completely pointless to enter out leveled instances with a group. you one hit everything and you get your loot restricted

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