What are the pros and cons of Raider io?

I only use Details and Decursive. Yesterday someone thought I was joking when I said I don’t use raider io. Why? The game shows all the same metrics to my knowledge, except for my main’s score. And what if I don’t want people to know the names of all my other characters? Would raider io be a problem for that?

I don’t think it shows the names of all your alts. All it does is show the highest score from your main and that’s it iirc.

Pros of using raider io is that you can get a rough estimation as to how much experience someone has with a dungeon by having some data displayed for you in a way that’s easy to read and make decisions on who to bring to your party.

The only real con is how much value you believe that number will bring you. Some folks think a high rating always means they’ll perform well, and that’s always a big pitfall.

Go crazy.

Raider IO’s useful for tracking your progress in detail or for e-peen measuring. Otherwise, it’s pointless.

You also have to manually assign alts to your main account, so people don’t automatically see your other characters.

It also shows things such as how many keys at various levels have been done.

Which is incredibly useful

It’s not very useful, I don’t use it anymore. I use Warcraftlogs companion app which tells me so much more